Threatening Dragons

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After walking through the woods I thought about my encounter with Ronan. After thinking about it for a while, it almost seemed as if he didn't want to kill me. He pretty much had hthe opportunity to if he really wanted to.

Funnily enough after I had the encounter with Ronan, my duel disk had stopped giving me cards. Maybe it knew when I was going to get into a battle, I still held my Mirror Force card in my hand tightly. There had been three deaths already by the sounds of the cannon firing, I just hoped that none of them were Rebecca.

That's when a alarm like noise came over the map and as soon as it came on it disappeared, I wasn't entirely sure what that signaled. I looked around for an answer but none was in sight, I continued to walk through the forest. Unfortunately that's when my duel disk made a sound and ejected a card into my hand, someone or something was nearby. I had gotten Gazelle King of the Mythical Beasts.

That's when I heard a scream in the distance, but no cannon sound. A loud roar came after that, and another scream. I heard running shortly after that, and then loud stomping after that too. I saw a Amy Rose running towards me, trees far behind them moving around from whatever was chasing her.

"Run! That thing is crazy!" She shouted running past me. I stood grounded and confident, I knew I was running into the fire was a bad decision but I wanted the challenge.

"Yugi, run!" She shouted at me looking at me standing there not moving.

"Amy we have to take this thing down." I told her, she looked at me and then the ground below her.

"Fine. But don't think for a second that I won't abandon you if I need to." Amy said to me holding her finger up at me. I rolled my eyes at her as the monster appeared in front of me, I recognized it as the Tri-Horned Dragon.

"C'mon Gazelle, let's go!" I said putting the card on my duel disk. Gazelle King of The Mythical Beasts appeared right in front of me, Tri-Horned Dragon seemed enthused at the competition. Amy ran out in front and beside Gazelle. I was then given another card: Polymerization, maybe. Just maybe I could get the card I needed.

"Ha, I'm stronger than I look!" Amy for some reason was talking to Tri-Horned Dragon, even the dragon seemed confused why she was talking to it. She then jumped off the ground unbelievably high and kicked the dragon in the middle of the forehead with surprising force, Tri-Horned Dragon was pushed backwards from the force of Amy's kick. Gazelle then jumped up and bit the dragon's neck. It roared in pain and flung it off of itself, Gazelle slammed against a nearby tree and stood up defiantly. Amy landed on the ground beside me.

"Can you do something else with that thingy?!" She asked me angrily, clearly annoyed I wasn't doing much. But then my duel disk ejected the card I needed into my hand and I smiled at Amy.

"Actually I can, go Polymerization! Take the Berfomet in my hand and the Gazelle King of The Mythical Beasts on the field and fuse them into one!" I shouted as a vortex appeared in front of me, Berfomet appeared in front of me and both of my monster were sucked in. Tri-Horned Dragon opened it's mouth at Amy and I and fired off a beam of dark matter at us. My monsters wouldn't be done fusing for a while so I need to stall for a bit and I had the perfect card to do it with.

"Mirror Force, I call on you!" I shouted putting the card on my duel disk and a barrier formed in front of us, the attack hit it and bounced right back at the dragon hitting it right in the chest. The Tri-Horned Dragon was pushed back even further than when Amy kicked it.

"Nice, but watch this." She smiled at me and rushed at the dragon. Tri-Horner Dragon fired small beams at it trying to hit her but Amy was too fast for it. She jumped up at it again and readied herself to punch it under its jaw. But the dragon learned from its mistakes before and it punched Amy and she was flung across and slammed into a tree. It then turned its attention towards me.

"Amy!" I shouted after her, she was clearly unconscious now, but thankfully not dead. But thankfully my fusion was done now and Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast gracefully came down in front of me roaring at the Tri-Horned Dragon. Tri-Horned Dragon roared back at Chimera even louder and then rushed at Chimera trying to slash Chimera.

Chimera jumped up into the air to avoid the slash and slashed Tri-Horned Dragon down the back of its neck, but the dragon was really learning from its previous mistakes. It flung itself backwards slamming against the ground and crushing Chimera underneath of it, Chimera was destroyed. Thankfully Chimera had a effect to help me out.

"When Chimera fails in battle, Berfomet and Gazelle come back to take its place." I shouted as Tri-Horned Dragon was forced upwards and Gazelle and Berfomet came flying up out and came beside me. Tri-Horner Dragon seemed frustrated that my monsters wouldn't die. Another card was ejected into my hand: Spell Shattering Arrow. I looked over and saw Amy starting to stir finally. I rushed over to aide her but Tri-Horned Dragon fired a blast at me, Chimera and Berfomet counted it with their combined force giving me time to run over to Amy, I helped her stand back up. But I was horrified to watch as Tri-Horned Dragon's blast overpowered my duo and obliterated them. Amy and I were open targets now.

Tri-Horned Dragon readied itself to blast me and Amy with its dark matter when out of nowhere, it's mouth was frozen shut causing the blast to hit the ice and backfire on itself. I saw a man in a blue and white suit zooming past the dragon trying to encase it in ice. Then another figure appeared slashing the dragon's legs with his sword. I recognized both of them: Frozone and Link. They both came back to me after Frozone had completely frozen the dragon and Link had slashed it quite a few times.

"How long have you two been fighting this beast?" Frozone asked me.

"Quite a while now." I said as another card was ejected into my hand. I had gotten Catapult Turtle, I looked at it and smiled.

"You guys ready to do a quadruple move?" I asked Amy, Frozone, and Link. They all nodded, Amy was still not completely better yet after being slammed into a tree. The ice surrounding the dragon was starting to move, Tri-Horned Dragon was breaking it from under the ice.

"Link I'll need one of your bombs, Frozone I need you to freeze that bomb once it's ignited except for the fuse and Amy I need you to deliver it to Tri-Horned Dragon." I explained to all of them, Link got out one of his bombs in his hand. I put Catapult Turtle on my duel disk watching it appear in front of me.

"Now!" I shouted, Link set the fuse on fire. He threw it into the air and Frozone froze the bomb, Amy grabbed it and got on Catapult Turtle. That's when the ice on Tri-Horned Dragon exploded and it readied a dark matter blast yet again. Catapult Turtle fired Amy at the dragon just as it started to open its mouth, Amy threw the bomb into its mouth and kept flying past the dragon and far away into the woods.

The bomb contacted with the dark matter in Tri-Horned Dragon's mouth and exploded, like I predicted the ice surrounding the bomb shattered inside of its mouth. The dragon combusted into flames, dying on the ground in front of us, I didn't know what was going to happen to Catapult Turtle considering it hadn't been destroyed but the battle was over, hopefully.

"I'm gonna scoot on outta here, let's go Link." Frozone said as they both disappeared into the forest, I had no idea where anybody was anymore.

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