
22 2 0


The next day we all were rallied into the training center where we were instructed what we could and couldn't bring into the arena. We could only use and bring our main weapons that we used the most often, each and every person was handed their own items to use and somehow, the lime green people knew exactly what each participant needed.

But not everyone got a weapon, some people had abilities like me. Just I could transform into a 'dinosaur' like creature. Although I wasn't quite sure how I was able to do it, somehow I still was able to. Dynal and I were the only ones with that type of ability I was pretty sure.

They skipped us going down the line of participants, and went to give a sword and shield to a boy who wore green up and down, but not line green like the guards.

"You will have twenty minutes exactly to test out the weapons out have been given. NOT ON EACH OTHER. If you are found to be fighting already, you will be forfeiting the twenty minutes of prep time you are being given. Good luck." One of the guards said leaving the room, soon there after, 24 training dummies appeared for all of us to use and train on. Dynal and I walked up to the glass window where we were being observed. One of the guards shuffled over to us with an eyebrow raised.

"I figured you two of all would be asking for more space, considering how you are able to fight." The guard rolled their eyes and a door across the room opened into a larger room where Dynal and I would be able to actually train.

We headed in the larger room.


Amy Rose

After the two weirdos had left, two of the training dummies retreated into the floor leaving the 22 of us in this room and two in the other larger room. To my left was Tails, he was currently giving the training dummy a run for its money.

And on my right was a girl, I'm pretty sure her name was Becca... or was it Becky? Maybe it was Rebecca. I wasn't really sure but she sure seemed annoying. She had something on her arm the she put cards on and they appeared in front of her to fight for her, same with the spiky haired boy next to her.

I handled my hammer that the lime green weirdos had given me, I was an exact copy of the one I had at home. It had the same exact... well everything, nothing about it felt different about it. I decided to ask the annoying girl beside me.

"Hey does the thing on your arm feel familiar to you." I asked her.

"Yeah sorta, Why?" She asked me back.

"Well my hammer feels extremely familiar almost to a creepy point." I answered her, she paused for a moment after summon what looked like a fire princess.

"Hmm... hey Yugi! Does your duel disk feel familiar to you?" Rebecca asked the spiky haired boy beside her.

"Well that you mention it..." Yugi started before he was cut off by the loudspeaker above us.

"YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES LEFT, PLEASE USE YOUR TIME WISELY!" The loudspeaker screamed at us. We all winced at it as it broke our concentration.

I resumed at the training dummy with my hammer.

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