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I stood shaking in a corner for what was happening, it can't be. It must be a dream, IT MUST BE! I went to slam my head against the wall to wake myself up, but Hilda wouldn't let me.

"Mugman, would you stop that, you saved my soul once, so stop making me save yours, that's the eighteenth time today." Hilda chided me.

"I'm sorry Hilda, this is just so... argh I can't even describe what's going on." I said to Hilda.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I won't kill you if I have the chance to." Hilda smiled at me walking away to a lady cloaked in clothes only her eyes were visible, she was talking to a lady who's skin was as blue as the ocean. Another younger fellow who was yellow as dandelions walked up to me, he was with a ghost.

"Hey my names Tails, and this is Napstablook, but he likes to be called Blooky!" Tails said to me.

"Well uh hi there, my names uh... Mugman!" I exclaimed clumsily.

"Hi Mugman... Did you or... Miss Berg... volunteer?" Blooky stuttered.

"Well uh... no we didn't, we just got our names picked and left." I explained to Tails and Blooky.

"That's nice... my cousin got... selected... but I didn't want him... to go... so I volunteered for him." Blooky continued.

"Well it sounds like you did the right thing!" Tails said with a unheard of amount of pep. He tried to pat Blooky on the back, but his hand phased right through him.

"How are you able to keep in such a good uh... mood Tails?" I asked him full of curiosity.

"Well, the fact that I'm fighting to see my friends gives me the strength and courage to keep striving to come back home so I can see them again." Tails explained, I saw Blooky shed a single tear. I couldn't help but feel bad myself for what was to come for all of us.



I had made my way though the mixture of all kinds of creatures in the room to find a tall man with black hair talking to a strange looking reptilian man.

"Hello, my names Iroh, who are you two?" I asked the two who turned towards me.

"Well well, look what the cat dragged in, my names Snape and don't you forget it." Snape scowled at me.

"Dynal." Is all the reptilian man said. He didn't seem much for conversation.

"I would like to offer you two hot tea but I don't have anything to make any, which is what I usually do when I'm not pitted in a fight against other people." I said to them with a smile.

"Well some of us are not so fortunate to do such easy tasks. Some of us have to teach spoiled teenagers." Snape continued his onslaught of anger.

"Running an entire civilization isn't exactly the easiest task." Dynal said bluntly.

"Don't worry, I bet running a tea shop is a lot more difficult than any other job in the world Dynal, just ask him." Snape scowled looking at me. Dynal scoffed at me loudly, I walked away from them.

Another portal opened as the last two tributes were transported here. For some reason it seemed like everyone knew who they were because everyone was looking at them.

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