Uneven Winds

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Hilda and I entered into the middle of the map, no one was here. Well, no one was here yet. Hilda and I went into the middle and looked around for anything useful but everything was gone. I still had the arrows from earlier that I had taken, someone else probably needed them.

Right as we got to the middle of the map, two figures appeared from the forest, clearly they too had wanted to go to the middle. They saw us and rushed over to us. One of them was floating in the air and the other one was on the ground holding a hammer.

"Hey have you two seen this crazy pink beast? It's way outta control." The girl on the ground asked us, I don't remember seeing something like that.

"No but I see two little punks in front of me that seem like they need a beating." I smiled conjuring spears behind me, Hilda seemed to be itching to fight as well.

"Hey punk is my catchphrase, punk!" The grounded girl said to me, now it hit me. Their names were Toph and Iva.

"You don't seem to be in a position to be making threats." Iva said to me, I felt confined I couldn't move my body, at all. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't, I looked over and aw that Hilda seemed perfectly fine.

"How are you resisting my abilities?!" Iva asked Hilda wildly.

"You're not the only one who can control the skies." Hilda said as she said to shake she then transformed into an actual blimp woman. She then fired a mini tornado at Iva. Iva moves out of its way and I as freed from Iva's grasp. I fired spears at Toph, she created an earth barrier in front of her then sending it at me, the earth coming towards me. I jumped upwards to avoid it, Hilda then used a mini tornado to push me up further. I then conjured a ton of spears and lobbed all of them at Toph and Iva.

I saw Iva go to use a wind to deflect all of them but Hilda stopped it, Toph created another earth barrier for both of them to hide behind. All of the spears hit the barrier, not being able to pierce through it. Hilda then used her laugh attack and the words 'HA HA' appeared and flew at the barrier and dented it. Toph retracted the barrier and made pointed stones, they flew towards both of us. At this point both Hilda and Iva knew they couldn't use the air because of their abilities being so evenly matched. Hilda and Iva fought it out while Toph and I got at it.

I dodged all of the pointed stones that Toph flung at me and Hilda. Toph anticipated me to throw spears at her and created another barrier in front of her, I had a trick up my sleeve. I conjured a special type of spear that was yellow in color instead of blue. It flew towards the barrier that Toph had created and at the last second before the yellow spear would collide with the earthen barrier, it flew over it and came at her from behind. I looked over and saw Iva losing against Hilda and screaming at Toph.

That's when Iva let her hair down from her pigtail puff balls, the spear I had thrown flew off in the other direction, Hilda and I then were flung together in the air and held in place. I saw Hilda trying to resist but when Iva let down her hair it must've amplified her powers.

"I don't really want to rely on having my hair down because I hate doing it but I don't really want to lose. So you two will." She said as I felt the air in my lungs leaving, Iva was removing the air from our lungs. I was helpless against this and gasped for air but Iva didn't let either of us.

Hilda then shook again, was she going to transform again? My question was answered shortly after when she transformed herself into a giant crescent moon. She freed both of us from Iva's grasp and I fell to the ground gasping for air. I felt my limbs then being consumed by the earth under me, Toph was trying to kill me by suffocation. Hilda then conjured a UFO and it hovered above me and beamed its laser down on me. I was pulled up out of the ground, Toph and Iva seemed to be getting frustrated at our resistance to death.

Hilda then laughed at them, but her head became dislodged from her head showing steampunk gears behind her head. Iva and Toph looked slightly disgusted by it and I couldn't help but agree with them. Iva and Hilda's powers were evenly matched again, but it seemed like Iva had a slight advantage over Hilda. Iva's hair swayed in the wind around all of us. Toph rushed at me, hammer in hand and went to bring it down on me. I conjured a spear in my hand and blocked with it, then shoving her back with the spear. Toph softened her landing with the hammer.

I looked behind Iva and saw a figure running out of the forest right at her. They jumped up in the air and went to bring their fist down on her, Iva turned her attention form Hilda to the figure and went to push her away with the wind, but Hilda wasn't allowing it. The figure landed the hard punch in Iva, sending her flying backwards. Hilda then conjured another UFO and sent it at Iva, the UFO fired its beam down on her killing her instantly, her body vaporized in its beam. Toph looked on, her expression horrifying from seeing Iva vaporize right in front of her eyes.

The figure that punched Iva to the ground stood up, I recognized her as Amy Rose. She smiled with her work, both her and Hilda turned towards Toph for her to be next. Toph merely laughed, but her laughs tuned into a cackle. Her expression changed into a wild contortion, it looked like she was craving death now. Hilda sent another UFO at her but Toph threw a pointed stone at it, causing it to explode in an instant. She created rock armor around herself and then made a rock shield to go with her hammer. She then rushed at Amy, I conjured a spear and threw it at her, but the hammer took the blow.

Toph tossed the hammer aside, now broken from my spear. She brought her shield down upon Amy, the end of it sharpening as she did. The shield went right through her, cutting through her body like butter. Amy's body disappeared shortly after, Toph then rushed off into the woods.

I turned towards Hilda who reverted back to her human-like form. She fell to the ground, clearly exhausted from the transformation.

"I think I overdid it a bit Undyne." She said to me, giving a weak smile.

"Well if you didn't, we would've been the ones who died." I smiled back at her, she closed her eyes. Her heartbeat didn't stop thankfully, I sling her over my shoulder and walked back into the woods. Two cannon shot sounds were made to signal the deaths of Amy Rose and Iva.

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