Cutting Edge Arrows

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Rebecca and I were walking through the forest, she had seemed like a worthy ally to me when we had talked in the prep room. I had heard Dynal fighting from afar, I didn't want to intervene. But I did use a move on Dynal, what could it have done stopped him from dying?

We had been walking through the forest for a while now, just waiting for someone to challenge us. Nobody had so far, we had only seen other competitors at the beginning when we were in the middle.

From the side we heard something, Rebecca and I paused and halted our movement. We backed up slightly from where the sound was coming from, keeping our vision locked on where the sound had come from. Out of nowhere an arrow flew past Rebecca and I in between us. It barley missed Rebecca's ear. I heard Rebecca's duel disk make a noise and a card was ejected into her hand.

"C'mon Bubonic Vermin. Let's go!" She exclaimed throwing the card down on her duel disk and in front of us the creature appeared. The large rodent like creature that Rebecca had created ran into where the arrow came from and was immediately thrown backwards with an arrow stuck into it, it faded away soon after.

"Ha, you fell for it. When you destroyed that monster, it multiplied!" Rebecca laughed as two more of them reappeared where the last one had faded away. That's when a figure came out of the forest, a knife in their hand. They slashed right though both of the creature making both of them fade away. He looked up at us, it was Peeta. Katniss must be the one firing off all of the arrows, their eyes had no iris and a blank expression stood still on their face. Another sound and card was ejected into Rebecca's hand.

"My Graceful Charity allows me to draw three cards and discard two of them." Rebecca said as three cards went into her hand and two of them faded away from her hand. I then readied myself for what was coming, I prepared myself to transform into my dinosaur form. Katniss fired another arrow at me and I expertly dodged it by sidestepping.

"Here comes Cannon Soldier!" Rebecca exclaimed as a well... cannon solider appeared in front of her. It fired off blasts into where Katniss was making her flee and come into view where we could see her as well, same with her. She had no iris in her eye and a blank expression. Peeta then rushed at the Cannon Soldier and slashed it, but it was too strong and didn't fade away, it grabbed him and slammed its head in Peeta's face. Peeta's nose started to bleed, Katniss then fired an arrow at the Cannon soldier and it let go of Peeta right before fading away. Peeta then fell to the ground and got up quickly.

It was my time now.

I then transformed into my dinosaur form, feeling my body get larger and larger. I then became my dinosaur form, although I wouldn't be as big as Dynal when I transformed my attacks would have side effects to make up for my weakness of brute strength. My agility was also unparalleled. Peeta and Katniss stared at me, they seemed almost surprised that I could do that.

At that moment, Rebecca got another card in her hand and the duel disk made an additional sound, I could see a very faint light blue barrier forming around Rebecca.

"Here comes Hysteric Fairy!" She shouted throwing the card on her duel disk and a furious fairy appeared in front of her, it was slightly taller than Peeta. Katniss then fired an arrow at the fairy, Hysteric Fairy caught it in her hand and rushed at Katiniss. I then used my time to jump up and on down on Peeta, I landed down on him, he laid down under me to around being crushed by me. He then slid out from under me, cutting my leg as he did. I yelped in the pain from it.

Hysteric Fairy continued to fight Katniss I close combat as I took on Peeta. I fired my water breath at him, he ran out of the way just in time. He then jumped up and brought his knife down on me, I went to turn. The only thing about that is that I left myself open to Peeta, he brought his knife down into my right eye. Well I'd only have one eye for the remainder of this battle I suppose, I howled at the pain he'd caused me. I then smashed my face onto the ground, making Peeta take the impact. He was then dislodged from my face, blood dripped out of my eye socket. He took the eye off of his knife and tossed it aside. Rebecca got another card and I saw the light blue glow around her get slightly brighter.

I looked over and saw that Katniss had finally taken down the Hysteric Fairy after so long, then firing an arrow into my side. I ran at her and kicked her, she flew backwards into the woods where I couldn't see her anymore. Where Cannon solider had scorched the land over there. I felt the pain in the leg Peeta cut greaten from standing on it.

"Here comes Fairy's Hand Mirror." Rebecca said as a mirror appeared beside her, Rebecca nodded at me. I fired my water breath into the mirror and it became absorbed into it. And then I saw as the mirror as shattered by a rouge arrow Katniss had fired off. My attack had been wasted from the shattered mirror.

Peeta then lunged at Rebecca and went to being his knife down on her, the light blue barrier around her stopped him from getting to her as he stabbed the barrier instead. Although he broke through it with little effort.

"Thank you Darklord Marie." Rebecca said looking impatient with her duel disk not giving her any cards. Peeta lunged at Rebecca again but Rebecca thankfully sidestepped and avoided him. Katniss hit me with another arrow in my side and I ran after her. I ran up to her bashing my head into her and sending her flying backwards. It seems like both of them refused to die even after they should've.

I turned around to hear a cannon sound in the distance, Rebecca was gone but there was blood everywhere and Peeta had blood everywhere too. I then fired my water breath at Peeta but he ran in the other direction to avoid me, it was over and I had lost Rebecca.

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