Chapter Nine

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Goosepaw awoke to Scorchpaw nudging him.

He really didn't want to get up, but he knew he had to. The white tom rose slowly to his paws, giving his brother a nod of greeting, trying to force a smile on his face.

Goosepaw had kept having nightmares about the foxes. He still didn't know whether they had left RiverClan territory or not, and he was very worried.

"Scorchpaw, are the foxes out of our territory?" Goosepaw asked nervously.

Scorchpaw shrugged. "I just woke up too. Let's go ask Lilypaw."

The two toms left the den. Lilypaw was in the centre of the camp, looking a little lost. Goosepaw assumed Bramblepelt wasn't well enough to train her yet.

Scorchpaw called to the grey she cat, and she turned her eyes, glaring at Goosepaw, before padding over.

She said a few quick words to Scorchpaw, and he answered with something else.

Lilypaw continued to speak quickly, and Scorchpaw turned to Goosepaw. "The foxes are gone, but the ShadowClan border will be patrolled more frequently to make sure the foxes don't come back."

There was something else Goosepaw wanted to ask Lilypaw, regardless of whether she had any interest in speaking to him or not.

"How's Fuzzypaw? Have you visited her?" He hoped the older apprentice would put her hostility to the side - after all, her love for her sister was clear.

Lilypaw's response shocked him.

"I wish I didn't," she paused, took a deep breath, and continued, "She is not my sister."

She didn't say anything else, stalking over and sitting in the corner of the camp, ears flattened.

Scorchpaw's eyes were huge with confusion. "Let's go visit Fuzzypaw quickly."

The brothers headed for the medicine cat den, Goosepaw feeling a little nervous about visiting. He didn't want to disturb Mossfur, plus, if Sheepcloud saw him entering, she might think he was taking an interest in herbs, which he wasn't.

Scorchpaw led the way, and Goosepaw followed, his concern for Fuzzypaw encouraging him.

He was relieved to see the fluffy she cat was on her paws, and talking to Mossfur. Bramblepelt also looked much better, smiling as he spoke with the two she cats.

"Fuzzypaw!" Goosepaw exclaimed.

Fuzzypaw turned her head, and Goosepaw froze for a moment or two.

There was a huge scar over one of her eyes, and the eye now looked different. Distant, and empty.

"Hi." She looked nervous, backing away.

Scorchpaw asked something to the small she cat, and she flinched a little before speaking. "I can't see out of this eye."

Wait... is this what Lilypaw is so ashamed about? Is she embarrassed just because her sister is blind in one eye?

Mossfur gave a nod, glancing sympathetically at Fuzzypaw. "It's going to be tough, but at least her other eye is fine, and her wounds are healing," she glanced at Bramblepelt, who was gazing at the exit to the den longingly. "Neither of you are leaving yet, though!"

Goosepaw felt a rush of admiration for the medicine cat. This pretty much confirmed he could never be a medicine cat. He could never have handled an injury like Fuzzypaw's so maturely. Warriors were always assumed to be strong and brave, but really, they weren't the ones who saw the worst. Mossfur saw so much worse.

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