Chapter Sixty One

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Several cats from each Clan had been chosen to go to ShadowClan territory to discuss how they would deal with the foxes. Whitestar had chosen Goosewing, Fuzzytuft, Troutpelt and Oakfang, along with himself.

Goosewing could see Thistleleap meowing to her son, "Don't you let me down! I want... see the blood of those foxes on... paws!"

Troutpelt grinned, eyes gleaming with determination.

But Thistleleap didn't seemed satisfied. "Be grateful for your life! Think of all the cats who have been killed... those foxes! You must avenge them! What use are... if you don't?"

For a moment, Troutpelt looked scared.

Then, the group of cats left the camp. He was relieved to see that the Thunderpath as quite calm, though he was still terrified to cross it after what had happened to Bluetail.

Once they were in ShadowClan territory, Whitestar quickened his pace. Oakfang stood beside the leader, meowing to him. Fuzzytuft, Troutpelt and Goosewing stayed together.

"Why can't we fight the foxes straight away?" Troutpelt whined.

Fuzzytuft shook her head. "Because that would be fishbrained. Hopefully we don't even need to fight them much, just drive them out."

Troutpelt rolled his eyes. "But we must avenge the cats who have been killed by foxes! Don't you agree with that?" He looked angry, but still, he seemed calmer talking to his former mentor than when talking to most cats.

Poor Troutpelt.

Goosewing wondered how much Troutpelt really believed of what he was saying. Did every word he speak come straight out of Thistleleap's mouth? He remembered how Troutpelt had been as a kit. Shy, and polite. He was nothing like how he had been before, and he felt a lot of sympathy for the tiny cat.

Goosewing was surprised when they encountered Lizardstar before reaching the camp.

"I thought we could speak without... overheard here." ShadowClan's leader explained.

With Lizardstar were Firetail, Russetpaw and Thornstrike. Goosewing felt sick to the stomach when he realised Thornstrike was glaring angrily at Fuzzytuft, just as he had been doing so at the Gathering.

Maybe Goosewing had been imagining it, but Thornstrike and Fuzzytuft had seemed to get along quite well. Thornstrike had saved Fuzzytuft from a fox, and Fuzzytuft had saved Thornstrike's little brother from the fire.

Maybe he's angry because he feels like Fuzzytuft is accusing ShadowClan. That's likely.

The two groups of cats sat fairly quietly. Next, ThunderClan arrived. Cinderstar had brought Hailheart, Badgerpelt, Alderpaw and her new deputy, Pounceheart. Hailheart and Badgerpelt smiled when they saw Goosewing and Fuzzytuft.

Troutpelt narrowed his eyes at Goosewing and Fuzzytuft. "I thought we weren't allowed to have friends in other Clans."

Fuzzytuft shook her head. "Friends are fine, and it's nice to have friends in other Clans, too. We're not causing any trouble by getting along with them."

Badgerpelt was gently licking Hailheart's cheek. Feeling a little nervous, Goosewing decided to lick Fuzzytuft's cheek as well. He felt her purr.

Then, Hailheart started speaking to Pounceheart. Badgerpelt simply smiled and started speaking to his leader.

Doesn't Badgerpelt mind not talking to Hailheart?

After quite a while, Snowstar appeared, Crowflight, Cherrypelt, Toadpelt and Shadetail with her.

"We're all here," Lizardstar mewed. "So... we'll start with suggestions on dealing with the foxes." She almost seemed a little awkward. ShadowClan's leader seemed incredibly confident talking to cats at Gatherings, but maybe she struggled to speak to cats while being more relaxed.

"We could poison them," Thornstrike suggested. "We have a lot of deathberries growing in our territory." Goosewing was surprised by how slowly the brown tom spoke - every single word made perfect sense to Goosewing.

Maybe he's being considerate for me... I doubt it. No one needs to be considerate for me.

Fuzzytuft eyes lit up, but she didn't say anything. Maybe she felt too nervous to contribute.

Lizardstar nodded approvingly. "That's a good idea, Thornstrike, though we should... more plans just in case."

Cinderstar spoke. "How about we just get... strongest warriors to come to ShadowClan territory... kill them?"

Troutpelt looked eager. "That's what I've... saying!" He lashed his tail excitedly, clearly agreeing with the ThunderClan leader's plan.

Whitestar shook his head. "Yes, maybe some foxes would die, but I... a lot of warriors would die too."

Snowstar looked a little sad as she mewed, "I think it's... sacrifice we must make."

Lizardstar looked impatient. "Could we hurry up? My mate... killed by those foxes!" She snapped, fur bristling.

Oh. Maybe she means Dustfur.

"We're... about Dustfur," Whitestar mewed, resting his tail gently on the ShadowClan's leaders shoulders."But we have to... this carefully."

Oh. She does mean Dustfur.

Thornstrike glared at ShadowClan's leader. "I've lost two siblings to foxes!Littlefoot? Rowanpaw? Remember them?" He bristled.

Troutpelt bristled. "Fuzzytuft was blinded in one eye because... a fox! She's been bullied because of that!"

It started raining. Still, the cats continued to argue.

"ShadowClan might as well... even be a Clan anymore!" Lizardstar was trembling as she spoke. "There's nobody left!"

It was Firetail who started to calm the cats down.

"We won't solve anything by arguing. Let's just talk. You're all fighting about  wasting time, but you're wasting more time by fighting. Thornstrike, the cats you speak about are my kits, and I grieve them every... as much as you do. I'm... we took so... to accept help." ShadowClan's deputy meowed calmly.

Thornstrike's eyes were full of grief, but he gave his father a nod.

Whitestar smiled approvingly at ShadowClan's deputy.

And then his expression changed to one of horror.

The cats started to scatter, but Goosewing had no idea what was going on. Looking up, he realised a tree was falling. Of course, he couldn't have heard it falling. Nor had he heard the thunder. He had just seen the rain.

Troutpelt shoved him away from the tree, and Goosewing tumbled to the ground, landing at Fuzzytuft's side.

Firetail was still trying to run away, and the tree was very nearly on him.

Troutpelt leaped in Firetail's direction, grabbing ShadowClan's deputy.

Before the tree fell on both of them.

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