002: Jungkook ✿

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Jungkook: Cherry Blossom Boy~
Warnings: almost swears...
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 753
Author: Mia

I was walking down the streets of New York admiring the big city as always. I stopped off at a park where there were beautiful cherry blossom trees. I took out my sketchbook, and drew one of the cherry blossom trees that caught my eye the most. I couldn't help but admire the man under it. He was watching the cherry blossoms fall one by one, with what looked like a book in his lap. I decided to draw the man as well. Once I looked back up, he was standing, and walking away with his hands in his coat pockets and still smiling. I looked back down at my drawing, and from that day, I cherished the drawing. Till next time 'Cherry Blossom Boy.'

I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing the tune of my favorite song. I sat up, and pressed the off button. I was holding something. I looked down in my hands, and saw the drawing I drew yesterday. I smiled, and got ready for the day. Once I was ready, I grabbed my jacket, my phone with headphones connected to it, and my bag, before I slipped on my shoes, and walked out of the apartment humming the tune of the song I was currently listening to. I walked down the stairs, and bumped into someone on the way. I immediately took my earbuds out, and got ready to bathe them in apologies.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry about that!" I said looking up.

It was a man. Looked about a few years older than me, and looked very familiar. He had a scared expression, and hesitated to speak.

"Uh, it okay." The man said with a thick Korean accent.

"Again, i'm so very sorry." I said before giving a sweet smile and proceeding with my day.

I put my earbuds back in, and continued to walk to my favorite coffee shop.

The familiar ding rang my ears as I entered the shop. I went to one of the singular tables, and just stared out the window. I soon felt a million pairs of eyes piercing the back of my head, so I turned around. Nothing. Just a big group of Asian boys. The vibration in my hand made me snap my head down to my phone, and read the text message below my song.

Alex: Listen to this song! I don't know how you don't like BTS!

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

Y/N: Finee. I'll give it a listen.

I clicked on the link which brought me to Spotify. 'Blood Sweat & Tears? What an odd name.' I thought to myself. I had to admit. It wasn't bad, I didn't mind it.

Y/N: It's okay, I guess.

I turned off my phone, and changed the song. I got up from my chair, and walked out of the coffee shop. I still felt like I was being followed. I stopped in my tracks, and turned around. The same group of Asian boys were behind me looking like they were minding their own business. I took out one earbud, and asked, "Can I help you?"

"Um, I'm sorry, we just moved in next door for a few months." A man said with a slight accent.

"Oh, Uh, nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N" I said sticking my hand out for the english speaking man to shake.

"I'm RM. This is Jin, V, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook." RM said pointing to each one of them.

'weird names.' I said to myself. I recognized Jin. I bumped into him while going down the stairs today. But my heart stopped at Jungkook. It's the 'Cherry Blossom Boy' from the park yesterday. My eyes widened, as my heart beat increased.

"Uh, well it was nice meeting you guys." I said as I waved awkwardly.

"You too Y/N." RM smiled.

I turned around and started walking the opposite direction quite fast. My heart was beating so fast, as the head started to rise to my cheeks. 'Snap out of it Y/N! It's just a stupid boy!' I said to myself.

"Wait." I said as I stopped in my tracks.

I took out my phone, and typed BTS in the search bar. My eyes widened.



Authors Note: Ahh! I promise there will be a part two coming soon! Hang on till then !

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