013: Taehyung pt.1 💣

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Taehyung- Traitor PT.1
Genre: Angst,horror, Gang,Au!
Warnings: A few curse words, this is a little angsty so if you aren't good with triggers then I suggest you don't read
Word Count: 2841

  Everyday a life is lost to the gruesome people of the world. I can still hear the screams of innocent children,women,and men in the night and it is terrifying. No fear could compare to mine. The memories. The pain of losing someone important.

It's all too much for any human to handle.

I feel like I am going crazy due to all of that. My brain feels like it's about to explode because of the anxiety I have. The further deeper my issue goes, the less emotion I have. My tears are no longer sobs but silence. Maybe I already am crazy...

Every few seconds,a gunshot can be heard followed by a yell for help.

But no one can help.

We are all trapped in this type of reality where nothing is perfect. Only a few areas are blessed with safety,but definitely not mine. I can no longer go to school without having the fear of snipers shooting right at me. People are beginning to go crazy and turn into killers that are so much worse than any horror movie.

I sat up from my position on my bed and snapped out of all my dark thoughts. My older brother walked into the room and sat down next to me. From the distance,I heard a lot of yelling. Some drunks were probably fighting again...

I gripped my brother tightly and shut my eyes.

"Y/N....it's alright. I will protect you no matter what."

"Thank you,Jimin."

I had a little sigh of ease and me and Jimin sat in a comfortable silence,still holding onto eachother tightly.
We have tried to escape this hell to only fail. It's almost impossible to get out.

He got up and walked over to the living room. Once he arrived, he got the remote and quietly watched the tv. I plopped down on the couch to join him. We had a small bag of chips to share and both enjoyed the snack. All the evil people have not let us leave the house, we are too afraid of being killed. Our food is low and we may soon die of starvation. But won't we die here one way or another?

Jimin and I live alone in a two bedroom apartment. We have no idea where our parents could be.
We only have eachother. We will get through it though. I have a feeling that we can make it.

"Jimin,how much food do we have left?"

"Y/N....our food supply is very low...it will only last a few days." I saw the sorrow and sadness in his eyes as he frowned.

"We can try to restock once we run out,for now,we have all we need." I gave him some reassurance which caused him to give a closed eye smile. I returned the action. We were watching a funny comedy to cheer us up when we heard a ruffling noise from outside the window. We turned down the volume of the tv and turned to stare at eachother. No doubt about it,we were scared...

We heard a tapping noise on the glass of the window. Is this how I will die? Jimin looked up at me and whispered, "What could it be? Should I check?"

"Are you crazy!? In horror movies when people go to check,they die!" I whispered yelled at the older male in front of me. He sighed and nodded in agreement. The tapping got louder.

We couldn't move,we couldn't make a noise,we couldn't do anything.

"Guys! Psst! I know that you are in there!" A voice whisper yelled behind the window and Jimin quickly went to open it. We recognized the voice as one of Jimins friends. A good friend at that. The boy sat down near me and gave us a large bag. Jimin looked inside and gasped. I was curious so I checked the contents of the bag.

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