007: Taehyung ϟ

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Taehyung: Loving the Villain~
Genre: Action
Word Count: 1010
Author: Mia

It was another breezy day of patrolling the city. My name is
Y/N L/N, but most of the world knows me as 'Echo'. About a year ago, I was walking home from school, when there was an explosion near my house. The explosion reacted with the gas and made a powerful blast. I was affected badly, and I began to experience weird supernatural things happening to me. I could levitate objects with sound waves, teleport as fast as sound, and scream very loudly. So loud, that a powerful blast comes out. A few people have been affected, and took advantage of their powers. That's why I'm here to stop them. There's one in particular that gets on my nerves. He calls himself, 'Velocity'. I've been fighting him for the past few days, and he's just too fast.

I woke up the next to the the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I groaned, and rolled over. I turned my alarm clock off, and realized the time.

"SHOOT!" I yelled.

I teleported myself into the washroom, and quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put some clothes on, before teleporting somewhere secretive in the school. I sprinted to the other side of the school, and ran into my classroom. I was 10 seconds before class started.

"Phew." I said out of breath.

"Hey Y/N! Over here!" My best friend Crystal motioned.

"Hey Crystal." I said plopping down into my chair.

"Raced here again?" Crystal asked.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"Class! Today we have a new student!" The teacher said.

None of the students really payed attention to what she was saying. But I instantly felt the sense of familiarity and a feeling of electricity. But I ignored. The whole class went silent almost instantly. I still had my head on my desk.

"Why don't you introduce yourself." My teacher said.

"Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Taehyung." A familiar voice said.

I looked up, and it was a boy. He had chocolate brown eyes, and brown hair. He was stunning. Our eyes locked for a few seconds, and I swore I saw blue electricity bolts flash in his eyes. I've definitely seen him before.

"Hey, he's hot." Crystal whispered in my ear.

I gave her a disgusted face, before the teacher spoke.

"Why don't you take a seat there next to Miss. L/N." the teacher said.

He nervously walked over, and sat down.

"Hey. I'm Y/N." I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Uh, Taehyung." He repeated.

He warm hand joined mine, and a spark of electricity shocked me. I kind of flinched, and had a thought, before pushing it aside and assuming it was just a static electrical shock.

They day went by fine, and I grew closer to Taehyung. There was something too familiar about that boy. The dismissal bell slapped me back into reality. I grabbed all my stuff before I said goodbye to Crystal and Taehyung, and ran out the door ready for the daily patrol.
I put my suit and mask on, put my hair into a ponytail, and teleported on top of a building where I waiting for a noise or a sound. It's been twenty minutes and nothing has seemed to happen yet. I was chilling and jamming out to some music, while some fans waved. That was until I heard an annoying zoom. I rolled my eyes and sighed. He's here. A black figure appeared on top of the building I was standing on with bolts of blue electricity tracing behind him.

"Ready Echo?" He said sheepishly.

I went into my fighting stance answering his question.

"You know, you're really annoying V." I said as we circled around each other.

"Thanks! Hate you too! E!" V said before he speed behind me and kicked me to the ground.

I screamed very loudly causing him to fall over and plug his ears.

"Geez! You have a terrible singing voice it makes me wanna kill myself!" Velocity yelled.

"Then I should be doing more singing so my job is done." I said.

V got up in a jolt, and sped all around me. I held out my hand, and lifted V up into the sky. I started playing with him like a basketball. I bounced him around in the air everywhere.

"Hey! Put me down E!!" V yelled.

"Nah. I'm having fun!" I smiled.

V shot two blue lightning bolts at me, and I fell to the ground releasing him. He punched me right in the stomach, and I punched him back. He went in for a headlock, but I dodged, and tripped him at the same time. I lifted a piece of metal, and dropped it on top of him. He stood up, and shot many lightning bolts at me. I flew across the whole roof, and hit my head on the border of the roof. I stood up slowly, touched the top of my forehead, and it was bleeding. I glared daggers.

"Oh. You've done it." I said before plunging on top of him.

I punched him on the cheek bone giving him a bruise, and a busted lip. He kicked me off of him. He threw many punches leaving many bruises, but I stood up.

"You're dead meat Velocity!" I yelled.

I rose my hands, and rocks came behind me. I sent them flying towards him, and he sped and dodged some of the rocks. Once I was out of rocks. He stopped speeding, but he didn't go after me. He collapsed on the floor, and started to rest. He had many cuts and bruises, and so did I. I limped over to him, and laid beside him.

"Finish this tomorrow?" I asked out of breath.

"Yeah." V said.

Velocity stood up, and winked at me doing his signature peace sign, before speeding away leaving tracks of blue behind him.
'He doesn't seem like a bad personality in real life.' I thought.

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