2 match maker

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"So, Luke's last show in town is in a few days, you'd like to come?" Roxy asks me. We're still sitting on my bed. I'm on my phone and she is picking the dirt from under her freshly painted nails.
"When is it, I have to work Thursday nights." I ask, trying to sound like I am not affected by her question. She barely asks me if I want to come with her to anything related to Luke, so I feel kinda special right now.

"Saturday, it starts at seven, but we can come earlier, at like five or so."

I put my phone away and decide to give her my full attention. There is something weird going on, Roxy never does these things with me, so she must have a sneaky plan.
"What's going on, why are you asking me with? You never do this."

She gives me a fake confused look and puts her hand on her heart, "what do you mean? Can't I just have fun with my best friend? I can't believe you really think I look anything behind this."

I say nothing but just frown at her, knowing that she's spill it soon enough.

"Okay okay." She finally replies, "Ashton is still single and I want to match you two, you'd be cute together."

I still say nothing. Why does she think I would like this, she knows I don't want to have a relationship with a celebrity. I am nothing like her, I don't want fame, or paparazzi, or over a thousand Instagram followers. I just want to live my life.

"Ah come on Amber, Ash is so cute and he would definitely like you. You are beautiful and sweet, just give it a try." Roxy whines. She scoots closer to me and takes my hand. "Please."

"Ugh, okay, I'm coming, but just because I haven't been to a concert in a long time. Not for Ashton." I finally agree and Roxy let's out a small squeal as she throws her arms around me. "Why couldn't you ask one of your others friends? They seem more like the people who'd be interested in dating a band member." I ask, still confused.

Roxy pulls out from the hug and looks me in my eyes, her arms are still wrapped around my shoulders. "You're my best friend Amber, you are the one I want to have a double date with. None of my other friends would be as cool as you. I want you in my life, not one of those girls without personalities."

This makes my heart flutter. This means that Roxy still sees me as her best friend, just like we've always been. I just sometimes get the feeling I am annoying her. But apparently not.
"Thanks Roxx, I love you."

"Ah no, I love you more." Roxy squeals as she pull me into a hug again. "How 'bout we go for a walk and get us some food, whatcha say?"
I nod and stand up from my bed to put on my shoes.
I am wearing a pair of sport leggings and a pink oversized sweater, the exact outfit for when we are going for a walk.

This is kind of a routine Roxy and I have, we take a walk, look at some geese, count how many cats we see on our way and buy food. Most of the time we buy grapes and the prettiest bottle of water we can find and consume it on our way back home. But sometimes we feel rich and also buy some ramen to eat at home.

We play the most throwback one direction song we can find and make our way to the store and point out the weirdest ducks we can find. Some days we talk about serious stuff, like our future and what we are going to do when our parents die. But other times we refer to our favorite vines and laugh for minutes about the way one of us trips over something. I had the feeling like today would be the last option. But it quickly changes when Roxanne suddenly gives me a serious look.
"You and Ashton would be really good together you know." She says, coming back on the subjectI thought we left behind.

"Roxx, seriously, I don't want to date a celebrity, stop it."
I am getting a bit annoyed of her, but I am used to it. When Roxanne wants something, she doesn't leave it be and chases it 'till it is hers. That's exactly how she managed to attract one of the hottest celebrities alive. I kind of envy her for that, I can't even find a non famous boy to like, but she is dating a person who has such high standards. I wish people would like me like they like her.

"Once you actually get to know them you totally forget about their fame, trust me."

"Yeah, until you step outside and get mobbed by fans and paparazzi."

Roxy rolls her eyes and stops walking. "Can you stop complaining for once, I am trying to hook you up with a really cute boy so we can go on tour with them together and you can't even be thankful."

So many things go though my mind right now, I don't even know what to say. Roxy is going on tour with them? When was she going tot tell me? What am I supposed to do when she's gone, we had plans to go on a trip ourselves, just us, but apparently she thinks Luke is more important.
I want to tell her that I am thankful, but I just want to find a boy I like myself. I don't want any help. There was a time when I would just flirt with every boy who showed a little interest in me, but I backed out before it could get too serious, just because I didn't want to hurt them like I did to my previous boyfriends. They liked me, but I never liked them back.

Finally I find the words to speak again and I want to shout them all out, but I try to stay calm. "You are going on tour with them? What about our plans for going to Europe?"

"I know, I am sorry, but I am really going to miss Luke and he asked me if I wanted to come. I didn't want to bail on you, that's why I wanted to hook you and Ashton up, so you could come with. We'll still have a trip." Roxy explains, you could sense the guilt in her voice and I immediately forgive her. What's she is doing is really sweet, so I decide to do what she asks.

I am going to flirt with Ashton, so I can come on tour with them.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now