10 Dora The Explorer

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The flight is four hours long, so sitting next to Luke and Roxy wouldn't be too hard. I just hope that they won't start fighting in the plane, but knowing Roxy, she would fight anywhere, because she doesn't care.

When I took place at my window seat and Luke sat next to me, Roxy gave us an angry glare, because she is still mad at the both of us for conspiring. And I don't blame her. It's just not a good day for her.
She puts in her earphones and takes some chewing gum from her bag. She usually would offer me some, but not today, just as I expected.

But Luke did. He put his phone on airplane mode and offered me some delicious looking mint chewing gum, which I gratefully took.
Even though I wish Roxanne would talk to me, I was happy Luke and I kind of became friends. If we didn't had that conversation after I came back from the office, I don't think we would have gotten to this level of friendship and I would have been sitting here with no one to talk to.

Luke copied his girlfriend and now has his earphones in his ears as well and I am rummaging through my bag, looking for mine. But I can't seem to find them. I come to the realization that I left them at home and now I won't be able to listen to music, or watch a movie this whole flight. This wouldn't be as bad if Roxy just talked to me.
Defeated I sit back and look out the window. We haven't left yet, but seeing all these people ride around in little golf cars is interesting. I don't know why, I just like to see what they're doing.

I feel someone poking my shoulder and I questioningly look around to see Luke smiling at me. He is holding one of his earphones in his hand and gives it to me.

He wants to share is music with me. I always found it super sweet if someone wanted to do that for me, especially now, because it's Luke and because I forgot my own earphones.
"Thanks." I thank him, as I put it in my ear and am immediately greeted by music from EDEN.

After a few minutes of listening I feel his hand on my knee. His touch feels warm and I can feel my heart beating faster.
I liked what he was doing, but he shouldn't be doing it. Roxy is one seat away and would scream so loud at us that the whole plane would have to make an emergency landing.
He should also stop, because this is only going to make my crush on him worse. I didn't even want to have a crush on him, I just wish I could like Ashton and there wouldn't be any drama.
But I am almost certain that there will be a lot of drama and I am already very anxious about when it's going to happen.

Should I swap his hand away or should I leave it there? If Roxy notices I would be dead. And that would be the second time today.
I turn my head to see what Luke is doing. He is scrolling on his phone, he probably didn't even know that he laid his hand on my knee.

I carefully pull my leg away and his head immediately shoots up. His cheeks turn red once he notices his hand on my knee and he quickly pulls it back, before mumbling a soft "sorry."

"Can I choose a song?" I ask, pointing to his phone and he nods.


I take his phone and realize that we have a very similar taste in music. He has a lot of music from EDEN, blackbear, The Maine, Blink182 etc.

I have a very weird taste in music, it goes from the soundtrack of Shrek, to heavy metal, to classical music. But it seems the same is happing to Luke. I even notice the Dora Theme song in his playlist and I choose that one.

Luke immediately starts laughing loudly and Roxy gives him a confused look. As if he isn't allowed to laugh when they're fighting. So he quickly shuts his mouth, but I can see that it is hard for him to hold in his laughter.

He softly sings along with the song and I decide to do that as well. Earlier Luke told me to be myself and do what I would do, not what Roxy would do.

I thought it would be hard. For a really long time I thought that I wouldn't know who I was anymore, because I was so focused on being like Roxy.
But now I see who I am again.

I used to be a really hyper girl who didn't care about other people's opinions. I was always singing and dancing everywhere. I told strangers my whole life story as if it was supposed to be a Grimm story.
But then I met Roxanne. She was one year older and acted like an adult. I was looking up at her, because she was allowed to ride the bus alone, she wore girly clothes that always matched perfectly and she never did embarrassing things in public. She just looked at me like I was a homeless man who was asking for her virginity when I did something a little bit out of the ordinary.

I changed. I changed to be like her, because she always was better than me.
But know that I've met Luke I am reminded that everybody is different and if you want to do what you feel like doing, then do it. As long as it doesn't harm anyone.
People should respect the way you are. And if they don't, then they are not the right people for you to be around. You will find your people eventually.

I am so lucky that I've met Luke. Even by a smile deed like singing along with a Dora theme song, I feel more free and confident.
But this could also be because Luke was singing with me.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now