13 The Best Way To Tell A Lie

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"We made it worse." I quietly say when we pull back from the kiss.
Luke nods, "I know... I know..." 

I hate myself for doing this, but at the same time I don't. I just wish it was easier. I wish that Roxy was Ashton's girlfriend, or Calum's, or Michael's, or anyone else's but Luke's. But apparently the universe wants to fuck with us both and does this to us. 
"Luke, do you like me?"

A small chuckle leaves the lips I kissed only seconds ago. "What kind of question is that? Of course I do, I wouldn't have kissed you twice if I didn't."

I shrug, "I'm sorry, I just... I don't know. Maybe it's just because you are having trouble with Roxy, so I am kind of the rebound chick."

For a few seconds I hear nothing but the waves of the ocean crashing onto shore, but then I hear Luke sigh deeply. "You're definitely more than that, I don't want you to feel that way. Every time I'm with you I forget about Roxy, and now I don't know what to do. Are you a good liar?"

"Yeah, but we should really stop doing this, I wouldn't want anyone to hurt my best friend and now I am doing the exact thing."

Luke nods, "Me too, I wouldn't want anyone to hurt my girlfriend, but look at us,we can't help it."

I close my eyes for a second, trying to think of a solution for our problem. "We can't pretend like this didn't happen, right? I mean, I wish I could, but we can't."

"We could always try."

I nodd, "yeah... So what's our excuse?"
Luke shrugs, "We could pretend we want to buy her a present, because she isn't feeling well."

"That's great!" I smile happily, "what do we want to buy her? To make our lies more believable we should actually do what we are lying about."

"right..." I can see that Luke is thinking deeply, "does she play any instruments?"

I can't help myself, but laugh loudly. "You're her boyfriend, don't you need to know that?" 
He rolls his eyes and started walking towards the water. "No, we usually only watch movies or fight."

This just makes me sad to think about, Roxy watching one of her girly pink romance movies and shushing Luke whenever he wants to say something. Or Roxy screaming hysterically at him after he brought her the wrong drink. 
I quickly hook my arm with his as we walk further. "I'm sorry for you."

"It's okay,"Luke smiles, "I'm happy to have you here."

"I am also happy to be here." I smile back at him, "but to answer your question, no Roxy doesn't play any instruments, unless you want to give her a triangle."

A loud laugh escapes Luke's mouth, "Yeah let's not give her that. What about a car?"

"way too expensive." I say while scrunching up my nose, "Make-up?"

Luke shakes his head, "No, that way she'll think that I think that she's ugly, which she isn't. I think that we should go back to the hotel and find out what she wants, then we can discuss this again later."

I nodd, "okay, sure, let's do that."

After we arrive at the hotel we went straight to get food. We were all kind of hungry from the flight.

"hey so what have you been up to today, I barely saw you?" says Ashton as he comes up to me.
"Have you been looking for me then? " I laugh.

His cheeks get a little redder. "kind of, I think I was subconsciously."

"cute. So, are you excited for the tour?" I grab some fries from the buffet table.

Ashton nods, "yeah, I really feel like this is going to be the best tour we're having so far." a huge smile creeps onto his face.

"oh, why so?"

Before Ashton can answer my question, someone throws their arm around my neck and kisses my cheek. "how is my sweet little Amber." I hear Roxy say.
I happily turn around to her. "Roxy!" I say, a little too excited.
I don't know how to act around her after what happened between me and Luke. "just having a chat with Ashton, did you get your food already?"

She shakes her head, "I was just about to get some, why don't you two find a place together, Luke and I will join you." She waves as she makes her way to the beginning of the buffet table.

"where were we?" I continue my conversation with Ashton while walking towards an empty table.
"you asked me why I thought this was going to be the best tour so far."

"right," I nod, "and.. Why was that."

He shrugs, "I don't know, I just get good vibes from everybody, Luke seems especially happy lately, I think that you bring new life into the band."

I feel my cheeks getting redder than they already were. "I'm the super groupie." I smile.
His answer was a big compliment for me. Most of the times I'm just so far in the back, and right now I am seen. I am seen by Luke, I am seen by Ashton. I don't really know about Michael and Calum, but they seem to be happy.
It just feels good to know that I make Luke and Ashton happy.

"you're not a groupie." Ashton laughs, "but you are indeed super."

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن