6 sweaty boys

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Sweaty boys, four extremely sweaty boys.
They wave at the audience and Ashton throws his drumsticks in the crowd, where he almost hits someone.

We watch as he runs back to his microphone, apologizes and runs back to the boys.

The show was great. I never knew what kind of music they made, but I guessed it would be something like this.
Ashton was a great drummer and it was fun seeing him get into each and every song that they played.
Michael was great with the guitar, he really was. For a whole fifteen minutes I was mesmerized by the way his fingers slid over the frets.
Calum was very chill, something I kind of expected from a bassist. He kept nodding his head on the beat, while his muscular body was moving to the bass.

But Luke.

His voice was so amazing, every single song he sang was my favorite of all songs on the world.
I've never heard a voice sing words like that. His voice was different from what you normally hear.
It could be so low, but so high at the same time and I loved it.
I could totally understand the way Roxanne was staring at Luke the whole time, I did it too.

He was so beautiful, but he is Roxanne's boyfriend.
My best friend's boyfriend.

I feel bad when Roxy and I are guided back to the changing room, where the sweaty boys are waiting for us.
I felt bad, because I was flirting with Ashton, but I knew I would never like him in that way. And I felt bad, because at some moment during the show, I just couldn't get the image of a sweaty Luke walking up to me out of my head.
I imagined him singing a song to me. And it was so wrong.

Luke walked up to Roxy to hug her, but with a squeak she ducks away, yelling something about how she doesn't hug with sweaty guys. And he was soaked, almost as if he was fully dressed in a pool only seconds ago.

With his arms still widely, waiting for a hug, Luke turned towards me, shrugging, and wrapping his arms around me tightly. His sweaty chest is pressed against mine and I could feel the salty texture drenching my clothes. But I still hug him back. Because I'm a sucker for hugs, even if it was one from my sweaty best friend's boyfriend.

"Okay, well that's enough, let him change so he can hug me." Roxy put her hands on my shoulders and pulled on them softly, before whispering in my ear, "Ashton wants a hug too, babycakes."

With red cheeks I turn to my best friend, who seemed kind of jealous. But I would be too. I am.
I am jealous that she is in a relationship with such an amazing guy and I am still here single.

What does she have that I don't? I must be really ugly then.

I push my self-destructive thoughts away when I see Ashton walking up to me. He has a sly smirk on his face when he pulls me in for a hug as well. "How was I?"

"You were great, you seemed to really like what you were doing, it was like you were completely somewhere else."

"It felt like I was as well."

We pull out from the hug and I notice how different this one was from the hug Luke and I shared only moment ago.
He had one arm at my waist and the other at my shoulder, while Luke had both his arms at my waist, which is, my personal favorite hugging position.
Also, Luke had his head in the crook of my neck, while Ashton's chin was poking a hole in my shoulder.

"When are you going to talk to your manager, about me going on tour with you guys?" I ask the question I have been questioning for a long time now, but was too afraid to ask.

Ashton's smile widens as he says: "I already did."

"And?" I ask nervously.

"You can come!" He throws his arms in the air happily, which caused for everyone in this room to look at us.

"Oh my god that's great!" I yell, throwing my arms around his neck for a good hug. "Send me the details about when and were I should be okay."

"I need to have your number for that." He says with a smirk on his face. As if he was trying to make it sound as flirty as possible.

Still smiling I give him my number. I can't believe I am going on tour with Roxy. I never thought it would be this easy, I thought I had to flirt more, but I guess Ashton is just a really nice person.

"One thing though." Ashton's happy expression turned into a frowning one. "You could only come with if you were in a relationship with one of us, so I told him we were dating."

That's it. That was the harder part I was talking about. But was it actually such a big deal? We only had to pretend like we were a couple, that wouldn't be too hard. And by the way, the guy I seemed to be interested in already has a girlfriend. And that girlfriend was Roxy.

Roxy would be so happy to hear that I can come with.
I make my way up to Roxy, who was sitting on the couch, with her phone in her hand. She seems a bit bored, probably because Luke is still showering and I was talking to Ashton.

"Oh Roxanne." I sing, as I take place beside her. "Guess what."


"I have a fake boyfriend and I am going on tour with you guys."

She squeals in excitement and throws her arms around me to hug me. "Oh my god babe, that's so cool! We are going to have so much fun."
She sways us from left to right to show how excited she is.
"And I am guessing that fake boyfriend is Ashton?"

"You're right." I wink. "We had to be dating, or else I wasn't allowed on tour."

For a moment Roxy is silent. And then, a smirk grows on her face. She is waiting to make the perfect sentence.
"You could also be a real couple."

I knew she would say that. But I still didn't know how I should react. I just roll my eyes jokingly.
"Yeah, we could, but I just met him"


"We'll see."

"I will see you two kissing one day."

"We'll see."

A/N: I am in France, staying with my uncle and it is too hot here. Yesterday it was 36 degrees Celsius. Which is hot. And I don't understand why mosquitos exist and why we aren't evolved so that we don't get affected by their biter anymore.
Those stupid little vampires suck the life out of me.

Well... I'll see you later, bye.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now