3 Faker than Kylie Jenner's lips.

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A week of watching movies and hanging out with Roxanne passed by quickly and Roxanne and I are now on our way to where the concert takes place. She couldn't stop talking about how cute Ashton and I would be together and I have to admit that I am kind of hyped as well now.
I've never met the boys, only Luke for a brief moment, so I hope they are as amazing as Roxanne says they are.
"So, Ashton is a the curly one with the bandana, he's also the oldest, but craziest. Michael is the one with red hair. Calum is the Asian one, but you shouldn't call him that, he is actually Kiwi. And Luke you've met already." Roxy explains to me for the last time, before we walk towards the guards or the backstage entrance. She waves at them and shows her ID. "I am Roxanne and this is Amber, you know me, I am Luke's girlfriend."

The guards take a look at our IDs and take out their phone, probably to make a call.
It doesn't take long until the door behind them opens and Luke's head pops out. His smile widens when he sees Roxy and pulls her inside, I just follow quietly.
For Roxy it was very normal to walk passed the waiting fans and take a few pictures with them, for me it was very new. The fans did ask me some questions. Like if I was dating one of the members, if I was a groupie, things like that.

"You're Amber right, we met a few weeks ago. Roxx can't stop talking about you." Luke tells me as he leads us though some corridors.

"I do," Roxanne adds. She hooks her harm with Luke's and presses her body against his. "I've done everything with this girl, it's hard not to talk about her, she's just simply amazing."

Whenever Roxanne makes me feel left out for a moment, she makes me feel like a diamond the next. I felt like a fish on mars when we were talking to the fans, but now she's praising me to heaven. I love it when she does that, she makes me feel special and important and that's what I need. She is all I need, that's why I am going to like Ashton, so I can be with her on tour. I don't want to miss her.

Luke stops in front of a door with a white paper with "5SOS" written on it with a sharpie. "This is our dressing room, I hope for everyone that they're dressed." He opens the door and I immediately see a few boys look up from whatever they're doing.
"This is Amber, Roxanne's friend." Luke introduces me and the boys smile and wave at me.

Only one of them stands up to shake my hand. It is Ashton, I think. He is the only one with curls, so it has to be.
I have to admit, he is cute, this will make it easier for me to 'like' him.

"Hi, I am Ashton, Roxy told us you were coming."

I feel the heat in my cheeks rising, at the thought. I don't know what she has said about me, but I surely hope she didn't tell him about her plan to hook us up. That would make it awkward.
"Oh, well, I am Amber." Is smile at him.
I think about what Roxanne would do in moments like these. She would try to make a conversation, so that's what I'm going to have to do.
"You drum right?"

"Yeah, I do." Ashton smiles, "do you play any instruments?"

I both hate and love this question. I love talking about music, but I hate talking about the instruments that I play. I play a lot of instruments because I was very indecisive when I was little. I couldn't choose whether I wanted to play guitar, piano, violin or cello. So I tried them all for two years each. This means that I am not specialized in one of them, but I play guitar most frequently.
I decide to not sound like I want to brag, so I keep it with one instrument. "I play violin."

Ashton's eyes widen. "Oh really!? That's so cool, do you play classical, or what kind?"
We are moving towards the small black couch in the corner of the room and I notice Roxy looking at us with a smirk. Of course she is happy to see us talking. This was her plan all along. But I have nothing against her plan, so I keep going. I also kind of like the conversation we are having. Most of the time people only give their attention to Roxanne, but this time it is all to me.

"Every kind actually, I really like classical, but playing rock pieces on violin are so much fun." I say. My smile growing as I talk about my music. This is a subject that makes me really happy. "What's an instrument that you always wanted to be able to play?" I ask, actually interested in his answer.

"Trumpet." Ashton smiles, "I would love to go into a jazz club, pick up a trumpet and play like Louis Armstrong. That man is amazing."

"I know, I love dream a little dream of me. I am not very informed by his music, but I do know how good he is. Why don't you start taking lessons?"

Ashton looks a bit disappointed, but still smiles at me. "I don't have time to. Especially now, with the tour coming up."

This is my chance to talk about the tour, I know it is still too early to ask him to take me with him, but I could give him some hints.
"About the tour... Did you know Roxy is coming with?"

He nods, but looks away. His gaze is now focused on his fumbling hands. "I know, Luke is very excited, he keeps on bringing up the fact that she is coming with and that we shouldn't behave too bad."

Without it being my intentions, a laugh escapes my lips and I quickly look around the room to check if people noticed the animal-like sound I made. I see Luke's head popping up and him directing a smile towards me.
And again I feel my cheeks burning, this time because he noticed how awful my laugh sounded. I wish I laughed like Roxy. Her laugh is so cute and feminine.
I turn back to Ashton and set my face back to serious. "I am going to miss her, we actually had our own trip planned out, but that b*tch bailed on me." I laugh a little, making sure he doesn't think I am actually mad at her for this, even though I am a little. "I took a gap year for this, but yeah, I guess I will have to go alone."

I see Ashton thinking as he says: "you could come with us, I am sure Roxy won't mind. And you're a very nice person, so the other boys won't mind either. I'll ask my manager, it wouldn't be too much of a problem."

My smile grows as I throw my arms around his neck to hug him. "Thank you, that's so sweet."
I can't hide my excitement, I am probably going on tour with my best friend, I won't have to miss her.

My plan worked.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now