14 Act More Girly

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The next day Roxy and I arrived early at the stadium, where the boys were busy setting up their stuff. Once they saw us walking in they quickly took a break and walked up to us. 
I had to see Luke give Roxanne a peck on her lips, which I witnessed her putting a lot of lip gloss on before we left. I can see that he didn't like the feeling. 
He turned to me and put his arms around me in a big hug, "Good that you're here." He smiled at the both of us, "we can always use two stong hands."

"Well you won't be seeing me do a lot of stuff, I'm just here to watch you guys."

"That's not fair," ashton pouts, "but Amber will help, right?" He looked at me excitedly and I nodd. "Ofcourse I'll be helping, I'm not a whore."

I hear Roxy yell a "Hey!" And soon she jumps on my back. "well, you can bring this whore backstage, because I am dying for some apple juice."
I laugh and make my way backstage with the surprisingly light Roxy on my back. 

When we arrive at the kitchen Roxy gets off of my back and gives me a serious look. 
"Look Amber, I'm telling you this because we're friends, not because I want to be a bitch to you."

What is she going to tell me now? 

"But if you really want Ashton to like you, you've got to stop acting tough. Boys don't like that." She continues. But I really don't understand why she's saying this. I thought that Ashton was into me, it seemed like that at least. 

"Then what do they like?" I asked her confused. 

She takes her freshly manicured hand through her blonde hair. "You've gotta act like a princess around them, they like to show off and protect you. But right now you're just one of the guys to them."

I guess that that could be true, but I didn't think that I was acting this tough around the boys. Maybe Roxanne is right, the reason that Luke is with her and not with me is because she knows better. 
"What should I do?" 

She puts both of her hands on my shoulders and looks at me insinuatingly. "you told them that you were going to help them right?" 
I nodd. 
"Well, don't. If they see you working your ass off for them it looks like you really want their attention. Besides, you don't want them to see you sweat, you look like a wet baby pony when you do so."

Well, that hurt. I'll make sure to never sweat again in my entire life. 

"Just stay cool and come sit with me while watching the boys work for us."

I tried to correct her that they weren't working for us, but she shushes me by placing her skinny finger to my lips. "And second, don't call me a whore again. It was really embarrassing for me and a bit for you too, it's not what cute girls do."

"oh." I say, a bit taken back by her words. I felt like I was loosening up a bit lately, but apparently this wasn't having good effects on me. "I'll try to pay attention to what I'm doing. Thanks."

"That's my best friend." Roxy smiles while taking me into one of her little hugs. "Let's go back to she stage and make Ashton want you."

"Let's do it." I smile. 

When we get back we see the boys sitting on the floor, throwing over a banana.
"Hey Amber, come play with this banana and us." Ashton yells and I was just about to go there when I feel Roxy taking my hand and shaking her head lightly at me. "don't be one of the boys Amber." 

It made me sad, because it seemed like they were having a lot of fun by just throwing a banana in the air, but I should listen to Roxy. After all, she knows more about boys than me. 

"No, it seems boring." I say against my will. Roxy gives me a satisfied smile, but Ashton seems hurt by what I said. He stands up and says: "Maybe she's right guys, we should get back to work anyways." And soon they dissapear into the coulisse. 

Roxy and I now take place just a few meters away from where they were previously trowing a banana in the air. 
"so, how did you entertain yourself while I was asleep yesterday?" 

"Oh, nothing much, I walked around the town a little bit, but there wasn't much to it." In reality I was locking lips with her boyfriend, but how could I have said that? I felt bad for lying to her and I felt bad for making her boyfriend cheat on her. But at the same time I didn't. I haven't felt like myself in so long and Luke was on his way to make me feel better about who I am. But ofcourse Roxy comes in and makes me question ever little thing I do. 

Roxy takes a quick look behind me and gives me a smug look, "You didn't plan on hanging out with Ashton?" 

I shrug, "From what I heard you say earlier I'm not sure if he would actually be interested in me."

"That's not true."

I am startled by Ashtons voice behind me. 
He actually heard me say that, it makes me feel so ashamed, why did Roxy ask me that if she knew that Ashton was behind me. 
My cheecks heat up to a thousand degrees as I turn around to him. "Is it?"

I see his adams apple moving as he swallows and give Roxy a small look, as if he's trying to tell her to leave. "I am interested in you." He says once he sees Roxy walk out. "And if you are interested in me too, I would be interested in hanging out with you." He sticks his hand out to me to help me up. 

A date with Ashton is a perfect cover up for Luke and me. So I nodd. 
His hand is still in mine as I tell him that I would love to go out with him. "I am interested in that too." I smile shyly. "Give me a time and place and I'll be there." 

Ashton let's go of a deep breath that he had been holding in for a long time apparently. 
"Well, we leave tomorrow evening, so we can have the entire day for us." His hand that isnt holding mine reaches for his neck as he rubs it. "and maybe we can sneak out of here before the soundcheck and take a walk on the beach or something?"

The beach immediately reminds me of Luke and how we kissed. I feel my cheeks heating up at the thought again. "That sounds like fun," I smile. And before I know it I stand on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on his cheek, which immediately turns red. 

"Good, meet me in the kitchen at twelve."

"I'll be there," I wink. 

"And I'll be waiting." 

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now