7 airway secrets

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Only a week later I saw a blue Prius, dat belonged to Roxy's mother, pulling up my driveway. It was six AM, too early if you ask me, but today I didn't mind. Because today we are leaving for the tour and I am super excited.
Even though Ashton told me everything about touring, I still had no idea what it'd be like.
He told me that they mostly stay in hotels, but when the drive to another place is too long, they sleep in the bus.
I used to think that they always slept in the bus, but apparently not.

"Are you ready?" Roxy jumps out of the car and excitedly hugs me. "I am so excited, I am going to see Luke every day. Oh and you ofcourse."

"Me too, I hope I'm not too annoying." I say, with a cheeky smile, showing that I don't really mean what I say.

"Ah no, you're not, and if they think so, they have to deal with me." Roxy stands in a fighting position and throws her fist forwards, like she is really fighting with someone.

I laugh and walk to my room, to get my stuff. I have one big duffel bag with basically all of my clothes and a backpack with a bottle of water, my charger, laptop, tablet, earphones etcetera in it.

"Guess what I have." Roxy smiles, when I walk back to the kitchen, where she took place at the dinging table. She takes a big bottle of vodka out of her purse and wiggles her eyebrows. "Booze."

I press my lips forward and rush towards her. "Is this for on the road?"

"Yeah, my mom bought it for us, she thought we might need some alcohol to make it out alive."

I am only sixteen and Roxy is seventeen, so we are not allowed to buy alcohol ourselves, but Roxy's mother buys it for us. My mom would kill me if she knew I drank, but Roxy's mother is super chill and let's Roxy do everything she wants.

"Great, I love your mom, tell her that."

"Tell her in a few minutes, we have to leave soon, come on, say goodbye to your 'rents and get ready to have fun with your boy." She pokes her elbow in my waist and nudges me to the living room, where Roxy's mom is having a conversation about camping with my parents.

"We have to leave." I say, intruding their boring conversation, "so come and hug me"

My parents laugh and walk up to me.

After having said goodbye to my parents, I step into the car and soon we arrive at the airport, where we would meet the band.
I got a message from Ashton about where we should meet and now we are accompanied by the sound of wheels rolling on the shiny tiles of the airport.
I see Luke's quiff in the distance and together with Roxy I speed up and after not too long her lips are pressed against his and Ashton gives me one of his weird hugs.

"Can I have a window seat please?" I ask, to no one in particular.

"You can sit with me and Roxy, she wants aisle seat." Luke tells me, "and Calum wants to sit with Michael and Ashton, so I guess you don't really have a choice." He laughs a bit, but his eyes soon scan the crowd, probably looking for Roxy.

"I think Roxy went to the bathroom, but she'll be back soon." I answer his questioning gaze.
He just nods understandingly, "she better be, we're boarding in half an hour and we have to go through the scanners first."

This reminds me that I have to hand in my duffel bag. I've never flown without my parents, so this is al fairly new to me.
"Can you help me with my suitcase?" I don't know where I need to bring it." I ask him, a little bit ashamed for not knowing what I have to do.

"Sure." He nods. He takes my bag and throws it over his shoulder. "If you have any water bottles, you have to drink them before going through the scanners, it's not allowed." Luke reminds me.
And I am happy he did, I had my water bottle still in my hand luggage.

"Thanks, I almost forgot." I quickly take it out and take a few sips from it. "Roxy has a big bottle of vodka though."

Luke's eyes widen, "what the fuck, she promised me that she wouldn't drink again."

Now I am confused, was there something Roxy didn't tell me? She usually tells me a lot about her and Luke, but now I realize that these were all good things. She never tells me about their fights, her doubts, or any negative things. I just always assumed that they just had a perfect relationship and that Roxy was perfect.

"What do you mean?"

Luke sighs, "lately Roxy has been drinking a lot lately. She comes to my house late at night drunk, we've been fighting a lot about it."

My mouth falls open, I never thought of Roxy as a big drinker, she always made it seem like a special occasion when we drank. She would cherish the bottle as if it was her baby, she never got drunk around me and made sure that I wouldn't hurt myself In any way.
"She never told me, do you think something is up? People don't usually drink that much alcohol for no reason."

Luke shrugs, he seems pretty upset. "I don't know, I hope not. Can you please make sure she gets rid of the bottle, I don't want her getting in any trouble. I will hand in your luggage."

"Sure, I'll try." I nod and give him one reassuring smile, before walking back to the group of people.

Next mission, steal Roxanne's booze.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now