11 a hint of mint

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"This room is bigger than I imagined it to be." I say while looking around the room.
It has off white walls, a tile floor and a big fan on the ceiling.
The only furniture that I can find is a mini fridge, two one-person beds and matching night stands, and a small wooden table.

I am sharing a room with Roxy. She still hasn't talked to me yet, but she will, within time. I am also not the kind of person who doesn't want to start a conversation, just because she isn't talking. I know she wants me to start a conversation, because she doesn't know how to.

"I know," Roxy sighs. She throws her bag on one of the beds and immediately walks towards the mini fridge. "Is this a kind of fridge where you have to pay before you even open it, or do they count how many bottles you took?"

I shrug, "I don't know, let'a find out."

But before Roxy can open the fridge, four very loud boys walk in. They have a big balloon banana in their hand and throw it right at my face.
Only after throwing it back at them I realize that they are filming.

"Why are you filming?" Roxy asks with a disgusted face. "You could've told me, I would've done my hair." She rushes to the bathroom, where I am guessing she's re-doing her hair and make-up.
I see Luke making his way to the bathroom as well and I am reminded that he is her boyfriend.
We had a fun time in the plane, we sang along with all the crazy songs he had in his playlist and he made me listen to songs I didn't know yet. I made him listen to some of my songs too.
We didn't talk much, we didn't want to make Roxy mad, but I still feel like we've bonded.

"You don't have to do your hair, it looks good and it isn't even an important video."
I hear him say to Roxy, but Roxy doesn't think of it that way.
"Am I not allowed to look good?"
"That's not what I am saying-"
"Oh, well what are you saying then?"

I have the strong urge to face-palm myself. I know she's had a bad day, but that doesn't mean she has to act like a b*tch to everyone who is just trying to be nice to her. I feel embarrassed for her, I love her, but she is really turning crazy right now.

"You can do what you want, but you should know that you don't need it, you should stop being being so psycho about it."

That wasn't smart Lucas, prepare for the worst.
I hear a loud smack and Luke's pained cries.

"I am not being psycho about that! You're a f*cking... f*cking, aahhh get out!" She yells and not too long after Luke comes walking out. He rubs his red-ish cheek and looks around the room with annoyed eyes.
"That was not smart of me to say, I really had the urge to hit her. Why are girls allowed to hit boys, but boys are not allowed to hit girls?"

"I heard that!" Roxanne screams from the bathroom and I roll my eyes. I don't know what happened when she grew up that made her turn into this.

Luke just shrugs and walks towards the door. He looks around the room for the last time and his eyes stay on me for a little longer, before he left the room.
I see this as a sign for me to follow him, so I quickly run after him.
I see him sitting on the floor, with his back pressed against the wall, he has his head in his hands.

"That girl really pisses me off, but she can also be so sweet." He mumbles, knowing I am here.
I take place next to him and nod. "I feel you, she's been like this her whole life, I just assumed she was bipolar. They never tested it though. It could also have something to do with her being treated like a princess all the time."

"She sure acts like one, she wasn't even at her worst right now." Luke sighs. "We've had fights about nothing which were way worse than this one, This was like a small breeze compared to the other ones."

I feel really bad for this boy, but I also can't seem to understand why he stays with her. I mean, I do as well, but that's a different story. We barely have fights, that could also be because I always try to avoid those. But Luke stays even though she acts like a total b*tch towards him.
"Why do you stay with her when she is always like this?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "I don't know actually? Why do you?"

"You can't answer my question with another question." I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "But I'll answer it for once, she is the only friend I have, I've known her since before she turned manic. And I guess that's what I'll always remember and try to cherish."

Luke nods understandingly. "You know what I like about you Amber? Even though you try to act like Roxy, you will always have the pride in you to not turn crazy, like her. You don't see an opportunity to start a fight, you see an opportunity to make me smile again."

By saying this, Luke makes my whole body turn hot and for a moment It feels like my smile is too big to even look like a normal person anymore.
He's done this to me, just by saying this, he made my whole day. And I am happy to finally be appreciated for something that is truly me, and not something I copied from Roxy. Luke is the first person to do that. And that's why I like him.

For a moment I just look at him, paralyzed. And his eyes scan mine for a few seconds, to see what is going on in my mind.
It could have just been an illusion, but I see his face moving closer and before I can do anything about it, his lips are pressed against mine.
He did it. He did the thing I have been thinking about subconsciously for so long, and now he just did it. And I don't even feel bad.

His hand cups my cheek, while our lips melt together like candle wax. Our mouths still have a hint of mint, which only makes this kiss better.

I am kissing my best friend's boyfriend and I don't even feel bad.
But I know that I will be later.
But not now.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now