8 airport security

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Roxy is talking to Michael when I walk up to her. She is waving her hands out of frustration and I see her eyebrows knitted together.
"Hey there." I say quietly. I never liked being with Roxy when she's mad. She isn't able to hold her and her mean comments back and she might say something that could really hurt your feelings.

"There you are, where the f*ck have you been? And where's Luke?" She immediately directs her attention towards me and leaves a worried Michael behind.

"He's checking in my bags, I didn't know how to."

"Are you really that stupid!? Even a f*cking donkey knows how to do that!" Her face gets even more angrier when suddenly her mind goes somewhere else. "You just wanted to steal him from me, didn't you."

This is when she really hurt my feelings. How could she think that I would ever steal her boyfriend. She seemed so happy to be with him and even though I am attracted to him, I still wouldn't steal him.
"Stop, you know I would never do that." When her voice get's louder, my voice only get's softer. Just like now.
I am barely able to hear myself.

What is making her so angry anyway? She would never get angry just because of this, she usually is very understanding.

"No Amber, I thought you'd never do that, but who can I trust lately? No one!" She is still screaming at me and when I look around I can see a lot of people looking at us, which makes me feel very embarrassed. I don't like being the center of a big crowd. But I guess I would be, even if Roxy wouldn't act like a pig to me. The band and the paparazzi make sure that people look at us, no matter what.

But Roxy's remark takes my emotions from scared and angry for not trusting me, to concerned.
"What do you mean? What happened?"

She just huffs and turns her head away from me, but I still see a tear falling from her eyes. "My parents are getting a divorce, apparently that douchebag of a dad cheated on my mom."
Her voice is suddenly a lot softer, I guess she is scared that it would break, that it would show she's weak.
"He and my mom have been fighting for months now. She always knew something was up, but he confessed today."

I feel so bad for her. With this happening just before the tour, I can guess that it makes her even more sad, because she isn't there to support her mom.
I pull her into a tight hug and I can feel my shoulder getting wet from her tears. "I'm sorry to hear that Roxx." I say quietly as I rub her back. "Is this why you've been drinking so much lately?"

The sentence was out of my mouth before I could think about it. What if Luke didn't want me to say that, because it was her secret. I hope that she doesn't get mad at him for telling me that, because the tour didn't even start and we are having so much drama already.

Roxy quickly pulls out from the hug and looks at me with a confused look. "Did Luke tell you this?"

I nod, but I wish I didn't. Now she is going to be mad at Luke and I have to sit next to them on the plane, and Luke will get mad at me for telling her.

"That f*cking bastard." She cries out, back to her angry state again. "He can never f*cking keep secrets. I- I- I am going to hit him so hard he won't be able to feel anything else after that for a week."

Her eyes catches something behind me and with angry stomps she steps towards it. I doesn't take long before I hear a loud smack and a painful cry from Luke. Roxanne starts yelling things that I can barely understand and I hear Luke trying to shush her, but it doesn't work.

When my eye lands on her brown Louis Vuitton bag I am reminded by my mission to steel the vodka.
I quickly walk up to it and zip it open. I am immediately greeted by the transparent bottle and take it out before Roxy stops yelling.

Once I put the bottle in my own bag I hear someone clear their throat behind me. "What do you think you're doing?"
It's Roxy, she is standing with her arms crossed and gives me a frowning look.
Too scared of murdering gaze I fall over my words as I try to get them out.

"I- uhh, I was looking if you have tampons, I forgot to bring my own, I started my period today."

Her face seems to soften up when she hand me her bag, which was laying on the floor previously.
"Front pocket." She just says, before walking towards Calum, ready to ruin his day.

"Good save." I suddenly hear someone say behind me, which scares the hell out of me.
"You have the vodka?"

I nod. I am still a bit shaky, because he scared me. "I have it, what should I d-"

I am interrupted by a woman with a pink shirt, who started yelling that we had to go to the scanners and so start to panic. What should I do with the bottle?
The group started moving and I look around for Luke to help me, but he is nowhere to be found.

Thousands of ideas come up in my mind, but none of them are good enough to actually use.
The woman with the pink shirt lays her hand on my back and pushes me forward and before I know it, we are standing in line for the scanners.

I feel my heart beat quickening and breathing getting harder. There is no way in hell that I am able to get out of this alive.
I put my bag in a tray an watch as it slides into a separate scanner.
Once my gaze finds Luke's stressed face I really start to panic.

The alarm will go off soon and I will be dead, if I didn't die because of the security, I will surely get killed by Roxy when she finds out.

The beeps are filling my ears and I watch as the security steps closer to me.
I am dead.

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