12 Once Again

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What I did was terrible. I keep telling myself this.
Roxy and I are in our room and she had absolutely no idea about what Luke and I had done. She had no idea that our lips touched each other just like theirs had. They had no idea about how happy it had made me and she had no idea how terrible I felt right now.
It's funny how something could make you so happy for one moment and not too much later make you feel like you wished this thing had never happened.

I have been laying face-first on my bed for half an hour now, contemplating what I had to do next. Wondering what would happen if I see him again, wondering what would happen if we kissed again, wondering what would happen if Roxy found out.
Should I tell her now? Tell her that I kissed Luke and that he is mad at me now, even if he isn't. I didn't want them fighting even more.
Or should I keep quiet? And just wait until she found out herself and killed us both.
Should I tell Ashton? And wait until he told Roxy. No, Ashton wouldn't understand.
Should I tell Calum or Michael? I haven't ever really talked to them, so maybe that would make it easier.

I had to do something! I can't just sit here, waiting 'till our secret comes to the surface by itself.

Maybe I should talk to Luke so we could discuss what we should do, because I can't think straight and I just can't come up with a good solution.

After we kissed I quickly stood up, giving Luke a shocked smile before running back to the hotel room, where Calum told me that I looked as if I had seen a very attractive ghost.
I still had no idea what exactly he meant with that, but it sure meant that he knew something was up.
Luckily Roxy didn't notice. Like she never does. She just shooed the boys out of the room and started unpacking her suitcase.

"Aren't you going to unpack? your clothes will be all wrinkled if you wait too long." She told me, like I didn't know that. I just shook my head, which I still had stuck in my very nice smelling pillow.
"I don't care." I sighed. I had more to worry about than my wrinkled clothes, but Roxy didn't know that.

"Okay, whatever." She shrugged. "I'm going to take a nap, I couldn't sleep in the plane."

I didn't reply, I just sat up and watched her wrapping the thin hotel sheets around her.


It was only 3 P.M. but I didn't want to tell her that. She still seemed a bit pissed off because of her little fight with Luke and she was also very tired. She would only get mad at me for correcting her. She hates to be corrected.


As Roxy fell asleep, I figured it would maybe be a good idea to just take a walk on the beach. I really needed to clear my mind an walking always seemed to help. So when I was sure that Roxy wouldn't notice me leaving, I quickly opened the door en snuck out.
It was quite windy and the temperature wasn't that hot either, but I was more than happy with this weather. I loved it when it was cold, so I could wear my sweaters.

As I already imagined, the beach was rather empty. Only a few people were making their way through the rough sand and a mother was collecting shells with her two kids. I noticed a tall figure walking with his head down and his hands in his pockets. And only by looking at this guy's back, I could tell that this is Luke. Exactly the guy I was looking for.

"Luke!" I yelled, before speeding up my pace, so I could walk next to him.
He turns around and a thankful sigh leaves his mouth.
"Thank god Amber, we really need to talk."

"I know, I am freaking out, Roxy will hate me if she finds out."

Luke nods quietly. "Same for me, I can already hear her screaming at me, but that could also be because I am so used to it."

"You know..." I say, "I actually thought things between you and Roxy were going great, she always told me these amazing stories, but after I've seen you two actually together, I know that it isn't as amazing as it sounds."

A soft laugh escapes Luke's lips. "Why am I always so bad at picking girls?"

"I don't know." I shrug, "but you did kiss me, so are you telling me that I am a wrong choice?"

Suddenly Luke stands still. "No." He says, shaking his head. "As far as I know, kissing you was a good choice. Apart from the stress I am having now."

Without even knowing what I am doing, I started flirting. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"
His cheeks turn red, "I don't know- I- I guess that... Are you flirting with me?"

"What... No?" I laugh, "...Maybe"

Luke laughs and throws his arm around me, "You're amazing, I wish I knew you sooner."

"me too,"I say, before whispering: "I wish I met you before Roxy did." 

Luke's head quickly turns my way, "why's that?"

I frown a bit, "I think you know why. It's because she's your girlfriend now, which means that I can't be." I laugh a bit while saying this, I don't want luke to take me too serious, even though it is the truth.

"To be honest," Luke says, still in his serious mood, "I am kind of happy with where we are right now, not that I don't want you to be my girlfriend, but... If Roxy wasn't breaking my heart right now, I wouldn't need anyone to help me fix it."

A huge smile creeps onto my face and I quickly throw my arms around him and hide my face into his neck. 
After hugging for almost a full minute, I slowely push myself backwards to see his face, which was hard, because his lips looked so welcoming. "Is it okay if I kiss y-" 
Before I was able to finnish my sentence, Luke pushed his lips onto mine and before I know it his tongue slips in my mouth, resulting in us sharing a firery moment together. And right now,I didn't care about Roxy, or Ashton, or anyone on earth, because right now I was kissing the guy I like.

A/N: OMG you guys, I have a new laptop, an msi GL63 8RD and I love it soooo much. My dad got it for me as a surprise. Now I can finaly edit my video's on a way faster laptop. it has an intel core i7 8th gen and OMG. 1TB SHD (which is better than an HDD) and 526 GB SSD and I think it is the best laptop I've ever had. I definately reccomend it if you like editing video's or using photoshop.

Shadow  [My Best Friend's Boyfriend] LRHWhere stories live. Discover now