5 flirting

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Roxy was sitting in the dressing room when Luke and I walked in. She let out a relieved sigh as she stood up and pulled me into one of her famous hugs.
"Where were you? You were supposed to be just outside, but you weren't. You know how scared I can get. Something could have happened to you." Her face turned shocked when she pulled out of the hug. "Did something happen to you?"

I just shake my head and laugh a little. "What could have happened? I didnt get raped or anything."

"I don't know okay. But knowing you, something could have happened."

"Yeah, but it didnt." I quickly say.
I walk towards the couch and let myself fall into it with a loud sigh.
"I guess we'll have to go in a few."

Luke and Roxy both nod and for a moment it is silent, but then they take place next to me.
I notice how Luke's hand is on Roxy's knee, the same way as it was on mine.
She put her head on his shoulder and whispers a soft "good luck."

And at that moment I wished I had a relationship like that. With a boy like Luke. Tough, but sensitve at the same time. I had a feeling that he would know when he had to be serious and when he could be joking around. I liked that.
I liked the feeling that he could make you feel safe and important and it was exactly what Roxy needed.

Not too long after Ashton and the other boys came in. They too seemed very relieved to see me sitting.
"Luke found her." Roxy says, while looking at Luke with a lovely smile.

"Good job." Ashton smiles as he gives Luke a pat on his shoulder. He directed his attention towards me and gave me a reassuring smile.
"Glad you're okay."

Ashton is a good looking guy. I liked his curls and when he smiles he has these beautiful dimples. I am sure that he is one of the sweetest people I've met. But I don't think I could ever fall in love with him.

I wish I could, and maybe I could. I've only known him for a short while, so we'll so how it goes.

"It wasn't a big deal, I just lost the way, that's it.." i smile back at him. Thankfull that he actually seemed to care.

"Well it was a good thing Luke found you before any of the guards did, they would throw you out right away, thinking you are a crazy fan."

Thinking about the previous occurence I realize that that's something that I would have loved at that moment. At least I could have gotten out of those suffocating hallways.

"That would have been great." I sigh softly. Not realizing that I actually said that.

Ashton gives me a questioning look, "what do you mean."

Now he thinks I am crazy, what if he sees I am lying, I am bad at coming up with lies.
I start lightly panicing. "I was lost remember, if those guards kicked me out then I would be outside and not lost anymore."

"I see." Ashton says, with still a questioning frown on his face. "Just don't get lost anymore."

"I can't promise you that, but I will try." I laugh and pull ashton on the couch, since he was still standing in front of me.
He didn't see it coming, so he falls half on top of me.

I didn't even know what I was thinking when I pulled Ashton. I just didn't know what I had to do, so I did the first thing that came up in my mind.
I should stop making bad decissions.

Ashton laughs loudly and I hear Roxanne whistle from beside me. Which causes my cheeks to turn red. I felt extremely embarrassed about what I've done. What if Ashton didn't actually think what I did was funny? What if he's hurt? What if he can't perform tonight?

Okay, so now I was exaggerating. But I actually was scared of what I did. Even though it was such a little, unimportant thing.
"I'm sorry, are you okay?" I ask Ashton.

Please let him be, I don't want to be the reason of him having to be taken to the hospital.

"Yeah, I am a tough guy you know."
He laughs reassuringly.
But I still was scared that maybe he wasn't. I always am.

"Are you sure, you can just tell me."

He puts his large hand on my cheek and squeezes it gently. "Seriously Amber, don't worry, I have to be with these guys twenty four - seven. I know how to handle a bruise."

"Okay." I say quietly.
I liked the way he squeezed my face, but it would have been more fun if it was done by someone I was actually attracted to.


"Ashton is definitely flirting with you." Roxanne squeals while she is shaking me at my shoulders. "And you are flirting with him too, you guys are so cute, I knew you'd make a great couple."

We are seated in the vip area, because Luke was afraid we would get hurt by their monster-like fans. And to be honest, I am glad he cared, because we sure as hell would be murdered.

"Do you like him?" She asks way too excited.

I just shrug. "I guess, I mean, I have only known him for like an hour or so."
I might have lied a little. I didn't like Ashton in that way yet. Yes he was cute, yes he was caring and gentle and yes, he was definitely boyfriend material. But like I said before, I didn't like him... yet.

"Yeah, you're right, but you do feel more attracted to him than any of the others, right. I haven't heard you talk to Mike or Cal yet, so I guess that's a good sign."

She is right. I haven't even shown any interest in Michael or Calum so far. They just seemed like bit players in a boring movie about my life.
But my attraction to Ashton could also have something to do with the fact that Roxy said we'd make a great couple, before I've even met him. Which caused me to be more interested in him, to see if she is right. And to go on tour with Roxy ofcourse.

Let's not forget that.

I am flirting back, because I don't want to miss my best friend.

A/N: hi guys. I am going on a vacation tomorrow and might not always have WiFi, so uploading chapters is going to be hard. But I do get the chance to write more, so that's a good thing.

Please comment and vote, don't be a silent reader. I like reading comments :)

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