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Alexa's POV:

Should I have just told Shawn what Damien did to me? I mean, clearly he cared, much more than Damien does for sure. Nah, it a good thing I didn't. Shawn would've beat the absolute crap out of Damien if he found out.
"I'm fine" I whispered to myself as a single tear streamed down my right cheek.
I was wiping my face when I heard a loud knock on the door. Nobody else was home, so I went to go answer it myself.

Alexa: "Damien?" I asked as I opened the door "how are you?"

Damien: "don't you dare play dumb with me, where is he?!"

Alexa: "excuse me? Where's who?"

Damien: "you know damn well who I'm talking about, where is he?! Is he upstairs?!"

Alexa: "babe, what are you talking about? I've been home alone for hours..."

Damien: "yeah, as if I believe that for a second!"

Alexa: "okay, what the actual hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something?"

Damien: "oh acting all innocent are we? I wasn't expecting you to be honest with me, cheaters never are."

Alexa: "cheaters? Damien what the hell? I'm not cheating on you!"

Damien: "REALLY Alexa?! You actually expect me to believe that?! I was at your game today, I saw you and Shawn."

Alexa: "you came today? I thought you had basketball practice...."

Damien: "cancelled. I thought I'd come see my GIRLFRIEND play, but she clearly had other plans with other guys."

Alexa: "what do you mean? I made the game winning shot, he was congratulating me!"

Damien: "by picking you up and spinning you around? Haha I don't think so"

Alexa: "Damien, honey, Shawn is my best friend, he does that at the end of every game. You would know that if you actually came to any of them."

Damien: "you calling me a bad boyfriend? Well at least I don't run off to the locker rooms with other girls after my basketball games, maybe I'll start, cause gee, I wonder what you guys did in there..."

Alexa: "DAMIEN! FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME! Shawn is my best friend! I am the only girl on the team, so I kind of have to share a locker room with the boys, it's part of the deal! NOTHING happened in there."

Damien: "don't you dare lie to me you slut. I'm the only one who can have you. Don't think I didn't see you flinch when he touched my work earlier today. If that hurts your fragile little self, trust me, I can do a lot worse. You're lucky I even picked up your ugly ass, there's a reason why Todd cheated on you, now I can see it crystal clearly."

Alexa: "excuse me?! Are you threatening me? Also, how dare you bring up Todd! And if you think I'm so ugly, why are you even with me?!"

Damien: "hell yeah I'm threatening you, stay away from him"

He turned towards the door, but not before I could answer

Alexa: "No"

He turned around, his face turning red with his rising rage. What have I done?

Damien: "what did you just say to me?"

Alexa: "I said no. Shawn is my best friend, and Damien, I think we should break up"

Damien: "you think you can break up with me?!"

Fear slowly began rising in me, and I could feel lumps in my throat. Damien could be really scary and violent at times, which is why I never spoke back to him, until tonight. What have I just done? You know what? No. I've had enough of him, forget the fear, tonight I'm standing my ground!

Alexa: "I just did, didn't I?"

I looked him straight in the eye, watching them fill with anger as he charged over to me, wrapped his hands around my forearms so tight I could feel it cutting off my circulation, and he looked me right in the eye. What did I ever see in him. As he squeezes tighter and tighter, all I could think is "how could I ever love such a monster?"

He brought his head closer, trying to kiss me, but I have just about had it with his violence, anger issues, and mood swings. I couldn't move because he was holding onto my arms with so much strength, it's like I was glued to that spot. I turned my head to avoid his kiss.

Alexa: "No"

Damien: "what?"

Alexa: "I told you Damien, we're over. Get out of my house, and don't ever come back here, or call me ever again."

He looked me right in the eyes, we were so close I could feel his angry, uneven breaths on my face. He let go of my arms and pushed me onto the stairs before storming out."
I fell back, and landed on my previous bruise, causing me to gasp in pain. I placed my hand on the back of my neck. When I looked at my hand, it was covered in blood.

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