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Shawn's POV:

I pulled my car up in front of my house, and I looked across the street to see Alexa and her mom unlocking their front door and going inside. Huh, that's weird. She wasn't at school today, I assumed she wasn't feeling well or something...

I went inside, sat on my bed, and texted her.

Shawn: "Where were you today?"

Alexa: "Doctor."

Shawn: "for the bruise?"

Alexa: "yeah..."

Shawn: "what did he say?"

Alexa: "um, I'd rather tell you in person if that's okay..."

Shawn: "alright Al, I'll see you tomorrow x"

Alexa: "good night x"

*the next day*

Shawn: "hey ally, you going to practice later?"

Alexa: "I can't..."

Shawn: "oh, why?"

Alexa: "I need to go back to the doctor"

Shawn: "what did he say yesterday? It's just a bruise right?"

Alexa: "not exactly....um listen, if I tell you, please don't tell anyone. I don't really want people talking to me about it yet"

Shawn: "yeah of course ally, is it really that serious?"

Alexa: "yeah, kinda...um, long story short, I need to get a kidney transplant.....

It took a minute for my brain to register what she had just said. Once it did, I had no words to answer her with. I was in absolute shock. I wasn't expecting this.

Shawn: "oh my god ally...are you alright?"

Alexa: "I mean, I have to be, don't I?"

Shawn: "do you have a donor?"

Alexa: "that's the most stressful part! My family have offered to get tested, but I just can't accept that. I asked the doctors to find an anonymous donor, but not many people want to donate their organs to people they don't even know" she said, her eyes beginning to well up

Shawn: "how long do you have until you need to find a donor?"

Alexa: "um, they said that if I don't get the surgery within the month, the damage to my kidney will be fatal, meaning that unless someone goes in today, and happens to be a match, who knows what might happen to me..."

The second those words left her mouth, I felt as though I had just been stabbed through the chest. The thought of losing her is one thought I couldn't even bear to think about.

Shawn: "what if I went and got tested?"

Alexa: "no Shawn! Absolutely not! That is the last thing I want!"

Shawn: "okay, okay, it was just a thought. We'll figure it out, I promise."


Alexa's POV:

*1 week later*

I dragged myself back into the doctor's office. I've been coming back and checking every single day to see if there have been any matches, and so far, none.

Alexa: "any luck doctor?"

Doctor: "Alexa! There you are! We found you a donor! They have requested to remain anonymous, but now that we have a match, we must begin discussing the details of the procedure!"

Alexa: "oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" I was ecstatic and unable to contain my excitement at this point.

Doctor: "okay, although this is exciting, we are running out of time. I spoke with the donor, and the procedure will take place on the 22nd of this month."

Alexa: "that's in four days..."

Authors Note:
Thank you for reading chapter 12? Don't forget to vote and leave any of your thoughts or predictions in the comments below! If you want to follow me on my socials, my Instagram is @1d.mendes_updates
and my Twitter is @OneDirecShawn98
Love you guys! -ShawnsDirectionxx

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