Thirty Three

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Alexa's POV:

Why was he here, and more importantly, why the hell was he holding my painkillers? Aren't there like laws against that?

Alexa: "what? You original plan failed, so now you want me to overdose before you take me to Damien?" I said coldly.

Shawn: "Ally...please stop" he said with sadness in his eyes, but I honest couldn't care less at this point.

Alexa: "why should I? I thought you loved me, you're the only one who knows what he did to me! I trusted you!"

He took a step closer.

Shawn: "Ally, you don't understand..."

Alexa: "you're right. I don't. I could never understand why someone would do such a fucked up thing to someone they care about. Forget that, I would never even think to do that to my worst enemy, let alone my boyfriend!"

He took another step closer and set the bottle of medication on my bedside table. He was now only a few feet away from me.

Shawn: "please just let me explain" he pleaded

Alexa: "it's not like I can really get up and leave" I said, annoyed.

He took a seat next to my bed.

Shawn: "I was never actually going to do that to you, it was just a way to make sure he was somewhere where the police could get to him"

Alexa: "I don't understand" I said, confused.

Shawn: "you wouldn't believe me" he said, scratching the back of his neck.

Alexa: "try me"

Shawn: "okay, um read this" he said, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and handing it to me. It was open on a text conversation between Shawn and Damien.

Alexa: "I already read this, remember?" I said beginning to feel flustered.

Shawn: "what you read was from a few days ago, you're gonna need to scroll back about to weeks" he said, trying to make eye contact with me, but I just kept looking away.

I did as he said and scrolled back to the very beginning of their conversation.

I began to read:

Damien: hey shawnie ;)

Shawn: what the fuck do you want asshole

Damien: ouch buddy

Shawn: I'm not your buddy

Damien: geez chill

Shawn: whatever man, just leave me alone

Damien: I can't

Shawn: and why's that?

Damien: cause you have something I want

Shawn: what? A brain? A soul? You're gonna have to be more specific.

Damien: don't get smart with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Shawn: ?

Damien: Alexa

Shawn: hell no. don't even think about it

Damien: she was mine first, she wants me

Shawn: trust me, if that were true, we wouldn't be in this position right now.

Damien: excuse me?

Shawn: she hates your guts dude, just accept it and move on.

Damien: yeah, maybe I should...

Shawn: you should.

Damien: well that's convenient cause I'm actually at a diner right now, and there's this really hot girl sitting over there...

Shawn: whatever man, knock yourself out.

Damien: ya know mendes, she kinda looks like you...

Shawn: is that supposed to offend me?

Damien: I think she said her name was Taliyah, Aaliyah, something like that ;)

Shawn: you fucking stay away from her

Damien: why should I? You take what's mine, I take what's yours.

Shawn: if you lay a hand on her I fucking swear it'll be the last thing you ever do

Damien: give me Alexa

Shawn: excuse me?

Damien: bring her to me, preferably drunk, and I won't touch your precious little sister

Shawn: are you crazy?! You're a fucking psycho!

Damien: I would be more than happy to do what I did to Alexa to your sister, so I would watch my mouth if I were you mendes.

Shawn: fuck you

Damien: do we have a deal?

Shawn: yes, just get the fuck out of that diner. I never want your abusive ass in the same room as my sister ever again.

Damien: as long as it's in the same room as ally, that's all I need ;)

Author's Note
Thank you so much for reading chapter 33!
Sorry it's a day late, I started high school last week and am already drowning in homework :(
I'm doing my best though!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS ON LOVE AT FIRST GLANCE!! It's my other story, and the first one I ever wrote/published. I am so proud of it, and to see people read it fills my heart with so much joy!
As always, If you want to follow me on my socials, my Instagram is @1d.mendes_updates
and my Twitter is @OneDirecShawn98
Love you guys! -ShawnsDirectionxx

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