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Shawn's POV:

Alexa: "oh my god Shawn that incredible!" She exclaimed leaping towards me with open arms. "How many songs have you written?"

Shawn: "so I'm supposed to write four, and I did, but I'm thinking of scratching one of them."

Alexa: "why?"

Shawn: "I'm just not really feeling it, but if I want to get rid of it, I need to replace it with a new one"

Alexa: "any ideas?"

Shawn: "nope. I'm stumped. I've barely started and I already have writers block. Maybe I'm not meant to do this after all..."

Alexa: "don't think like that!" She snapped. "C'mon, let's go" she said leaving the kitchen and walking towards the front door.

Shawn: "where are we going?" I asked while following her.

Alexa: "I don't know, somewhere fun" she said smirking.

And with that, she was already out the door. I sprinted after her, and got into the passenger seat of her car as she began to drive.

Shawn: "I don't think I've ever actually seen you drive" I said while nervously chuckling.

She playfully punched my arm while laughing and making a left turn.

Alexa: "don't worry, I'm an excellent driver" she said confidently "despite what my mother says" she added in a whisper, making my eyes open wide.

Shawn: "okay..." I said nervously

Alexa: "oh calm down Mendes, I know what I'm doing" she turned on some music, and the first song to come on was 'The A Team" by Ed Sheeran, then 'Free Fallin' by John Mayer. We sang along to each song that came on at the top of our lungs.

By the time we reached our destination, I could tell that we both had sore throats, but that didn't seem to stop her. She hopped out of the car, grabbed my hand and led me into a house I've never seen before.

We walked in and there were flashing lights, blasting music, and crowds of people dancing, drinking, and talking. To my left I saw a group of guys playing beer pong, and to my left I saw a girl and a guy, hand in hand running up the stairs. Yep, this was definitely a high school party.

Shawn: "who's house is this?" I shouted so she could hear me over the music.

Alexa: "beats me" she shouted back while shrugging her shoulders "let's dance!"

She grabbed my hand and led me towards what must have once been a living room. The music was so loud I could feel it in my chest, but Alexa didn't seem to care. She was jumping up and down, flipping her hair back and forth, and just letting loose. I've never seen this side of Alexa before, but I like it.

Alexa: "cmon Shawn! Dance!" She yelled, grabbing my hands and beginning to twirl

We danced and screamed along to the music for what felt like forever.


Alexa's POV:

Shawn: "i'm gonna go get a drink!" He yelled over the music

I nodded and he walked towards the kitchen. While he was gone, I sat down on the couch to catch my breath. I saw him come back minutes later with two beers in his hands.

Alexa: "nope" I said standing up and smiling as I took both beers out of his hands and placed them on the table behind me.

He gave me a confused look.

Alexa: "no alcohol tonight, I want us to remember everything about this night, so every glass is gonna stay full. Got it?"

Shawn: "fine" he said laughing before leaning down to kiss me.

I pulled away and checked my phone before looking back at him.

Alexa: "its 9:30, so we better get going if we want to make it to everywhere we need to go tonight."

Shawn: "there's more?"

Alexa: "you seriously thought crashing some stranger's party is my only definition of a fun night. Trust me honey, you're in for a ride" I smirked before grabbing his hand and running back towards the car. 

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading chapter 18!
If you want to follow me on my socials, my Instagram is @1d.mendes_updates
and my Twitter is @OneDirecShawn98
Love you guys! -ShawnsDirectionxx

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