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Shawn's POV:

She smiled before leaning in, cupping my cheeks with her hands, and placing her soft lips on mine. I placed my hands on her waist, and as the seconds passed, the passion of the kiss increased.

Before I knew it, I was on top of her, laying small kisses on her neck, then her chin, until I reached her lips again. She kept kissing me back until one of us rolled into the tv remote, accidental increasing the volume rapidly.

TV: "YER A WIZARD HARRY" the tv blared. We both stopped and looked at each other before bursting into laughter. We laughed until both of our sides hurt, and after much searching, we found the remote to turn the volume back down.

We sat back down on the couch, and she leaned towards me and rested her head on my chest for the rest of the film. I ran my fingers through her hair until the credits began to roll and we decided to order a pizza.

We fooled around a little until the pizza arrived, and when it did, we raced to the kitchen to eat. We sat at the table and took a few bites before beginning to talk.

Alexa: "so, how are your parents? Aaliyah?"

Shawn: "they're good, they just went to Vancouver for the weekend" I said before taking a mouthful of pizza. "How's your mom?"

Alexa: "she's good. She been worried sick since the surgery. She literally won't leave me alone!" She said laughing.

Shawn: "aw it's just because she loves you"

Alexa: "yeah, I guess" she said smiling before taking another bite.

Shawn: "so, have you heard from your dad recently?"

Alexa: "yeah, he sent me a letter" she said smiling ear to ear

Shawn: "really? That's great Al! Did he say where he is?"

Alexa: "no, he can't. All I know is that he is stationed in Afghanistan, but he's supposed to come home before Christmas, so hopefully that doesn't change"

I have heard so much about Alexa's father throughout the years, but I have never gotten to meet him officially as Alexa's boyfriend, so hopefully I will get to at Christmas. It's so obvious how much she admires him.

Shawn: "hey, so remember that conversation we had the year we met about our dreams and our goals? When you told me you wanted to be an artist?" I asked while twiddling my thumbs.

Alexa: "yeah, and you told me you wanted to be a musician. I remember you played me some John Mayer on your guitar" she said smiling.

Shawn: "well, do you remember what you said to me when I told you that I didn't know if I could ever achieve it?"

She thought for a moment.

Alexa: "yeah, I told you that nothing worth having comes easy, and every moment you spend doubting yourself and making excuses, is a moment that could be better spent actually working towards making your dreams come true." She paused. "Why are you asking me this?"

Shawn: "well, I took your advice. Have you ever heard of vine?"

Alexa: "vine?"

Shawn: "yeah it's an app where people post six second videos of themselves doing whatever."

Alexa: "Shawn, you know I don't do social media, but what does this have to do with your music?" She asked.

Shawn: "well, like two years ago I started posting these videos of me singing on there. You know, like covers of other people's songs. I was just doing it for fun, but pretty quickly I began to gain a following on there. A touring company reached out to me, and during winter break I did a couple of shows and meet and greets with some other people from vine..."

Alexa: "wait, you performed? That's fantastic Shawn, but why didn't you tell me?"

Shawn: "I don't know, I was really nervous, plus your dad had come home for the holidays, and you guys were out of town, and I didn't want you to cancel or not go with your family because of me."

Alexa: "Shawn..."

Shawn: "wait, there's more! So some time ago, this man named Andrew Gertler reached out to me. I went to go visit him in New York, and after much discussion, he officially became my manager, and after some talk, he said I could release an ep, and if the public like it, then I could get signed to a record label!"

Alexa: "oh my god!"

Shawn: "yeah, so I started writing it instantly, and I'm almost done. I'm going to a studio next week to start recording the whole thing!"

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading chapter 17!
If you want to follow me on my socials, my Instagram is @1d.mendes_updates
and my Twitter is @OneDirecShawn98
Love you guys! -ShawnsDirectionxx

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