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Shawn's POV:

As she walked out, I couldn't help but smile and look down at my feet.

Jeremy: "aww is our Shawnie in love?"

Shawn: "shut up Jeremy"

I said playfully punching him in the arm. Jeremy, and some other guys from hockey were all crowding around me now.

Thomas: "dude, it's actually about time."

Shawn: "what do you mean?"

Ray: "oh please, you guys are the two most compatible people on earth, plus it's so obvious you like her. We were starting to place bets on when you would finally gain the balls to ask her out." He said laughing historically

Shawn: "seriously guys?" I said, rolling my eyes.

Tyler: "yeah dude, if you didn't ask her out soon, I would've on your behalf."

Thomas: "but dude, Alex is literally our little sister. I know we're teammates and all, but I swear to god if you hurt her...especially after all the happened with that little prick..."

Shawn: "I won't, I would never."

Ray: "we do have Shawn to thank for introducing us to Alexa though. She's literally our star player."

Thomas: "don't tell her coach said that though, she'll never let us forget it" he said laughing

Tyler: "it's already 5:00! Go take a shower, cause dude you reek, and don't you dare be late picking her up. A true gent never makes a lady wait." 

Jeremy: "aw Tyler with the romance..." he said mockingly, "but actually Shawn, go! go! go!"

And with that I was sprinting out of the locker room, and probably broke the speed limit while driving home.


Alexa's POV:


I added the last finishing touches to my hair and makeup before heading downstairs to wait for Shawn. I was strapping on my shoes when I heard a knock on the door.

Alexa: "huh, he's early..."

I walked over to open the door, and was really pleasantly surprised by what I saw.

Mom: "Aw Lexi! My baby! I missed you! Come give your mother a hug!"

Alexa: "Mom!"

I threw my arms around her and didn't wanna let go. My mom is the coolest woman alive. She's been in Africa the past four months teaching math and language arts to orphans and students who aren't financially supported, and unable to receive the education they deserve.

She's been a teacher and an activist for 20 years, but just hated teaching in America. Her reasoning is that here it is the law, everyone must get an education whether they want to or not. Her goal is to teach the children that want to learn, but are unable. She's also a boss and an all around badass.

Mom: "how have you been love? Why are you all dressed up?"

She said as she closed the door and set her suitcase down.

Alexa: "um...mom? Do you remember Shawn?"

Mom: "oh of course! I love that boy! Is he coming over?"

Alexa: "actually, we're going out tonight...like on a date...is that okay?"

Mom: "of course honey! How long has this been going on?"

Alexa: "oh um, this is actually our first date...he's gonna be here like any second..."

Mom: "Oh! Oh! Then let me get out of your hair! I'll be upstairs unpacking, and when you get back, we can catch up on everything that I missed!"

Alexa: "okay mom" I said laughing as she scurried upstairs. God I missed her. It's been so lonely just being here by myself all the time.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock on the door.

I opened it to see Shawn standing there in black skinny jeans and a navy button down collared shirt, with a single rose in his hand.

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