River (G.D)

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"Look Y/N I don't know what to tell you ok!!!"I said running my hand threw my hair.

"You've been a liar been a thief been a lover been a cheat.I need to know if it's the same with me OK!!!"She said screaming the last part.

"If you are going to go back to drinking,cheating,I need to know.I won't let our son-I won't let myself go through this.Not again.Please Grayson.Please put the beer down"Y/N said her voice cracking.My eyes started to water.

"DON'T YOU THINK I WANT TO Y/N. I'VE MESSED UP SO MUCH.I don't know what to do anymore"I said sitting down on the couch putting my head in my hands.

"Grayson....I'm sorry"Y/N said sitting next to me.

"You have nothing to be sorry about.It's crazy to think how we started.My girlfriend left me and you where on the verge with your boyfriend.I knew you only used me to play him and yet I went along with it"I said looking at her.

"Both you and your boyfriend did the same thing to one another but at the end of the day you where the one that walked away hurt.I was there for you.Then you left.Then came back."I said looking away from her.

"I came back because I realized my mistake.Grayson at first it was all just a game.Then I realized I did actually love you.I still love you.I came back for you.And you're right I did use you I regret that everyday of my life.I shouldn't have done that but I'm glad I did because I've got a son thanks to you,I've become a better person because of you.But you have to stop this Gray"Y/N said softly taking the beer from my hand.

"Why do you care so much?Why do you stick around?I cheated on you.How can you stay?"I said looking up at her.

"Because Grayson that was me before I met you.And I refuse to let you down the same hole I went down."Y/N said taking my hands into hers.

"I love you Gray. I've loved you for the past 8 years.I'm not letting you go.We will get through this together."Y/N said smiled at me.

"Together"I said smiling.

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