Bone Woman

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Winnie wasn't there. Her bed was empty. Kitty heard the noises again. Mommy had promised that the noise would stop now that they had moved. Kitty waited for the noise to stop. She opened her bedroom door. The Wanagi stood there.

"Are you my Father." Kitty asked.

"I could be." The Wanagi said to Kitty.

"Where is Mommy." The Wanagi grabbed Kitty by the arm.

"You're hurting me."

The Wanagi opened the door. "There is your Mother."

"If you had stayed in bed, your Mom would still be alive." Said the Wanagi.

Dirt. It wiped the dirt on Kitty. She screamed.

Kitty woke up. Trembling. Kitty looked out the window. There was the huge dog looking at her. The same dog that Kitty had seen in the dream before. Kitty began to drift into sleep again.

"It's alright." Terri petted Kitty's hair.

They were in the common room. Where the bedding smelled like sour fruit. There were other kids there. Some sobbing, others talking quietly, one was even giggling.

"You know I love you." Terri said. "I have to leave. When I get my shit straight, I'll come back and get you. I promise."

Terri stood over Kitty in spectral form. Outside the dog was scratching at the door. Terri turned and opened the door. "What do you want?"

The dog walked over to look at Kitty curled up in the office chair. "I am the Shunk-manitu. I am the guardian for this one."

"Well, you suck as a guardian." Terri said. "Where were you when she was raped the first time? Forced to do kiddie porn. Turned into a whore on the streets."

"You were closer than I. Where were you? Bone woman."

"I was like Kitty. I couldn't do anything. I tried and was killed."

"First, you tried to save yourself. Did you ever plan to come back to help Keyote?"

"I came back for her."

"Like me, the building woke you up. It is only here that we can function fully. It is only in this building that I can truly help her. With the help of this building we will help Keyote."

"What is it about this building that is so special." Terri sat on the desk.

"It is between Keyote's world and many others. It is here, it is everywhere, it is in every time. Part of the dreaming world, part of the real world."

"How did it get this way?"

"That I cannot tell you." Keyote stirred. "We must go."

Green Acres, Camp: 12:27 PM

"Yo amor tu." Kitty mumbled.

Kitty woke up, stretching slowly. She looked out the window. She had a dream about the stupid dog and Terri. Standing over her in the chair. Talking about the house. It was already fading. It wasn't a frightening or sad dream. Perhaps a little strange.

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