~Deidara x Reader~

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~Notice: Akatsuki humor lovers, you must read Survival Guide to the Criminally Insane! Look it up and read!~

Deidara walked through the unfamiliar village looking around curiously. Usually he wouldn't go into a crowded place like this, but he was running out of clay and needed to get some more.

Typically he would just get some next to a river or something, being it was cheaper and worked. However, this mission, assigned by non other than Leader, was on the top of a mountain. Sasori being Sasori was to stubborn to turn around, wasting more time, just to get some clay. To top it off, Kakazu, the self designated treasurer of the Akatsuki, was forcing everyone to buy their weapons and such with their own money. So with no other option, or funds, Deidara must by his own clay. Which is not cheap.

Needless to say, it wasn't a good week for Deidara.

Sasori had taken off to go find some weird mountain cactus fruit that supposedly exploded when they cought on fire. Damn, Sasori, uhn. Said I couldn't go with him because he thinks I'd set the thing on fire. Im not an idiot. Although it would be an interesting sight...

Sighing, Deidara looked around.

There were all sorts of people, selling different goods, arguing and yelling, smiling and laughing, but when he was spotted, smiles faded from people's faces. They didn't run. Instead they just took steps away from him very slowly, being careful to stay out of his way.

Deidara smirked.  I guess being in the Akatsuki does have it's perks... that doesn't mean I forgive that damn Itachi though. Bastard's the reason im in here in the first place.

He walked down the road his eyes scanning the market goods until his eyes finally reached what he desired.

He quickly approached the stall and picked up a small bag with white substance inside. He touched it with his finger and smiled feeling very pleased. It was better quality then what ever mush he would have found near that river bed.

"I'll take everything." He said turning, with the clay, to leave, not looking up at the seller.

"Alright, that will be 85 yen please." A young female's voice said. It flowed so melodically, Deidara couldn't help but look up. There she stood with her (h/c) hair up in a (h/s), with strands falling on her beautiful face. A small smile was plastered on her lips as she looked back at him. Deidara was taken aback for a moment. He quickly regained himself and smirked.

"You don't seem to understand." He stated, looking her dead in the eyes. "I'll be taking these, not buying them, uhn."

The girl raised her eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips.

"And you don't seem to understand either, these good are for sale, not for charity!" she retorted mimicking his tone.

A few people had gasped and started steping away from her stall.

"Do you know who I am?" Deidara hissed. This female must have be a idiot. Seriously even if she doesn't recognize my cloak, can't she see the people around her backing away and terrified??

"The question is, do I CARE who you are?" she hissed back glaring at him. "The price is 85 yen, either accept it or leave." She said now crossing her arms over her chest.

Deidara glared right back at her.

Someone in the background started playing some weird western showdown music. A tumble weed blew in between the two. The streets seemed to become empty almost immediately. All the people retreating to watch from windows and rooftops.

Deidara was the first to act. With no clay, he had to rely on his fists. However, being a long distance fighter, his taijustu was not the best.

Which is why his righthanded punch was completely avoided as (y/n) sidestepped to the left.

With nothing for his punch to hit, he stumbled forward, and their faces met.

No they didn't kiss. Thanks to hight differences Deidara ended up kissing her forehead.

Deidara immediately jumped back, his face turning a bit red.

Y/n stood in shock. Also blushing a bit.

"Deidara, what's taking you so long." A rough male voice said behind him.

"Sasori-danna." Deidara said turning around. "I'm almost done." He quickly turning his gaze back to the girl. "Alright, I'll buy it." He added as he handed her the money, dodging her eyes. She accepted and placed his money in a small handmade bag on her waist without counting.

"You didn't count? What if he lied?" Sasori asked.

The girl looked up as her hands continued placed the clay in one big sack. "I... trust you."

She handed him the purchased bag and turned away, picking up some of her belongings.

"I'll be back." Deidara said as he picked up the bag and walked over to his partner.

The girl took a deep breath of relief. She'd be damned if she didn't know who the Akatsuki was, but her tongue just wouldn't let her keep quiet. She knew too well that that she could be killed, but she just couldn't help herself.

"I need to stop going to the market for a while." She mumbled quickly making her way to the food section. From there, home.

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