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Anybody having eyes cannot deny the fact that Kongpob was attractive. It's not just one thing. Everything about him was.

His body Language, his behaviour, his personality.

Arthit isn't saying that Kong doesn't have any flaws. He's sure he does. But Arthit had come to the point where he finds even his flaws endearing.

Like right now, judging by his clenched jaws, angry eyes and a hardened expression, Arthit could say that Kong was throwing a temper tantrum on his best friend Aim. Who looked upset himself.

But all Arthit thought was, Kongpob still looked handsome.


Right now, Kongpob was standing outside his class. Wearing his uniform, hair neatly combed and standing upright.

And Arthit could bet, if he went a little closer to him, he must be smelling nice too.

Arthit's sure that many girls in the vicinity were finding him very enticing.

And who was Arthit to deny that fact, but there was still something missing.


Arthit was returning after having his dinner and was sipping pink milk on the way.

He saw Kongpob going in the opposite direction, most probably, to have his dinner.

He was dressed very casually, a loose faded shirt and shorts, his hair was a little disheveled. A relaxed smile on his face and looking pleased about something, walking casually.

If you ask Arthit, when does he find Kongpob most attractive. He'll answer, he is always attractive, but Kongpob in his usual natural happy self is the the most attractive.

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