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The most absurd thing which Arthit found in Kongpob was his everlasting fresh looks. Be it morning, afternoon, evening or night, he always looked so fresh, as if he took a bath everytime you saw him. It kept Arthit scratching his head.

Not only his looks, even his clothes manages to remain ironed and his shoes still shiny. His hair still combed and not a single stain on his clothes.
Not to mention, his ever present smile.

Not only that, even his energy never seemed to dissipate. Same in the evening as that in the morning.

Does he ever get tired? Is he some kind of superhuman? Or there is some super science and routine which needs to be followed?

If so, please tell Arthit too. Cause from the moment Arthit wakes up, he feels tired. And he is sure he looks like a sulking demon early in the morning. In the afternoon, he's somewhat less grumpy but still sleepy. And by the time evening comes, he's pure exhausted. Maybe he should start consuming energy drinks?

No matter how you look at it, there are morning people and evening people. But Kongpob, defying all that logic, belongs to all time person.

Because once Arthit saw him at a club, wearing black shirt, looking as fresh as a lily. That too on a Friday evening when Arthit knew he had a full day class.

So, it is a big mystery to Arthit, which he hopes to solve one day.

This led him to think, will he ever get to see the tired and not so fresh side of Kongpob?


Before you guys say anything, I do know people who remain fresh and energetic till the end of the day, just as I described. It makes you wonder.

As for me, am like Arthit, haggard by the end of the day.

It will be interesting to know in which category do you belong?

On a side note, please read my another oneshot called,' overdose' and ' my best side'. Don't want to brag or something, but I personally feel, they are my best till date.

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