Touchy feely

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Kongpob is a very touchy feely person. And that's considering the fact that he's holding back right now.

God knows what will happen if he's in full reign.

For example, whenever we sit together, as in side by side, he had to stick close by making one or the other body parts touching. Be it thighs or shoulders or elbows.

And then, when we are outside, it's another matter. If not for my hesitation, he would forever keep holding my hand and never let go.

It's not good for my mind and my....heart. His body heat, combined with his irresistible scent, increase my heartbeat and it doesn't take long for my mind to go into the gutter.

So, for my safety and his, it's better that way.

And don't talk about the time when we are alone together in the room. I rarely allow him to stay more than a few hours and let alone the night.

It makes me feel nervous and excited at the same time. It's as if am hoping and then not hoping too for something to happen. And am always on edge.

And then his kisses..oh god those intoxicating kisses. It makes me turn into goo and forget the world. And he never misses a chance to kiss me.

Not that am complaining.

It would have been a huge headache for me any other way. And if that ever happened, the initiation would have to be from my side. And judging by my shy personality, it would have created a lot a stress for me.

So, it's all good.

All these ranting about Kongpob  doesn't mean am very passive.

I have my ways too.

Like I never miss a chance to put my arm around his shoulders.

I always lean my head on him while dozing off in a cab.

And I always kiss him at unexpected times, making him happier than usual.

And last but not the least, am always trying to convince him(subtly) and myself to let him stay the night.


Guys, guess what? It's my 50th story real soon. And am taking in requests.

So whoever wants to read something and they comment first, I'll write a story for them.☺

Compendium [Completed ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora