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Is he flirting with me? Arthit thought as he looked on foolishly at Kongpob.

Arthit was out to have his dinner at his usual place. And coincidentally met Kongpob.

Ok, not so coincidentally. He deliberately went at a time when the chances of seeing Kongpob was high.

He was happily sipping pink milk, immersed in it, when Kongpob popped in front of him and said.

"Arthit, can I say? You look sweeter than this pink milk?

If Arthit didn't had any self control, he might had sprayed the drink on Kongpob's face. But he flirted right back at him.

Two can play at this game.

"Sure, wanna taste it?"

Kongpob looked taken aback for a minute, the chuckled.

"Don't mind if I do", he said leaning forward.

Now it was Arthit's time to freak out. Is this really happening? Is he really gonna do this.

He closed his eyes in nervousness and anticipation, but nothing happened.

He opened it to see Kongpob sipping his pink milk.

"Were you expecting something else?", Kongpob asked teasingly.

"What!!No!!", Now he was very embarrassed.

Kongpob took pity on him and left.


Arthit observed with narrowed eyes as Kongpob laughed with some girls surrounding him.

Is he flirting with them too? Arthit pouted.

And when the girls casually touched his arm, Arthit's heart dropped. He felt dejected.

Does he flirt with everyone?

He moped and went to have pink milk to cheer himself up.

"Is the offer still valid?"

Arthit turned to look at Kongpob standing behind him.

"Yeah... whatever", he said sulkily, and turned to look ahead.

He felt Kongpob coming in front of him with rapid steps.

His eyes widened, and he stopped midway sipping his drink as Kongpob leaned in.

His breath got stuck, as with one rapid movement, Kongpob pecked his cheek.

"Yummy",he winked, chuckling. Observed Arthit for a moment then went away, shaking his head.

And Arthit? Arthit established the fact that Kongpob was a huge flirt, but only with him. Cause Kongpob was anything but a playboy. He doesn't go on kissing people.

That meant, it was only him? A smile crept in along with a blush.

Yes, that was very yummy.

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