Butterfly Effect

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I figured I'd go back to the original story and use a butterfly.

Frame One: A little girl is running down a block to school. A butterfly is fluttering near a flowering shrub. The little girl is about to brush against the shrub when her mom calls to her, "I love you. Didn't mean to argue about your homework. Mommy loves you! Have a great day!" The girl turns to smile at her mother. All is forgiven. Then she walks slowly past the shrub. The butterly continues flittering on the flower. The mom looks out at the traffic. Suddenly a sound of a car crash in the opposite direction. The mom turns to look and we see a yellow car in a bad accident at the intersection. Close up of the car and we see a businessman rising dazed from out of his car. The brochures in his car are all ccovered with his blood. People run to the site of the accident from all sides.

Frame Two: A little girl is running down a block to school. A butterfly is fluttering near a flowering shrub. The little girl brushes past the butterfly as she runs disrupting the butterfly who flitters off toward the street and lands on a rearview mirror on the side of a parked yellow car. The mother comes out a bit later and calls to her daughter. "I love you. Sorry about snapping at you about your homework. Mommy loves you, okay?" The girl turns around and smiles at her mother. All is forgiven. The person in the car is a businessman getting ready for work. He is trying to pull away from the curb when he sees the butterfly on the mirror. He rolls down the car window and gently tries to shoo the butterfly away. He tells the butterfly that he's already late and he'd like the butterfly to just leave. It takes quite a while as the man flicks at the butterfly with everything in his car -- tie, brochure, newspaper. Finally the butterfly leaves and the man drives off into traffic. He glances at his watch. "Darn!" he says, "Stupid butterfly! You made me miss my train."

Frame Three: A little girl is running down a block to school. A butterfly is fluttering near a flowering shrub. The little girl brushes past the butterly. The butterfly flitters from the plant and wafts through the air for a while until at last it lands on a woman's beautiful floral headscarf. In the background, we see the mom running out of the house. She is looking for her daughter but her daughter is already up the block. The woman wearing the beautiful floral scarf walks down the road totally unaware a butterfly is on her head. She glances at an accident, makes a quick sign of the cross, says a prayer, then rushes on toward the school. As she reaches the school, a stranger approaches her and looks up at her scarf. He silently gestures that she has something on her head. She eyes him warily but he reaches up and gently removes the butterfly from her scarf. She starts to laugh. He nods to her then walks away. She continues looking at him. "Cute guy," she says. Then she walks through the door and enters the class where the little girl with the imperfect homework is sitting looking out the window at butterflies.

* * * * *

Frame One: The little girl is at school, a big smile on her face, looking out the window at butterflies in the school yard. The teacher (who is wearing a beautiful floral scarf) asks for homework. The little girl looks at her badly-written half-done homework, shrugs, then hands it to the teacher. The teacher looks at it, sighs goodnaturedly and tousles the girl's hair. "What am I gonna do with you?" she asks. Some kids in the class laugh but it's clear they all like her. One says, "We been asking the same thing, Teach!" The little girl answers the teacher and her fellow students. "I know, right? I'll try to be better." Near her a little boy's cellphone rings. The boy's homework is all perfectly done and he looks very studious compared to our daydreaming little girl. The boy answers his cellphone and listens. "Is Dad okay?" he asks. A voice on the other line says, "Yeah, he's okay. He's at the hospital. The car's a mess though. I guess our trip this weekend has to be cancelled." The kid says, "That's okay. As long as Dad's okay." The kid settles down to class but still seems a bit worried. The little girl with the bad homework habit walks over to him and says, "I heard you talking about your dad. He's okay?" The boy says, "Thank you. He just had an accident but he'll be okay." The little girl nods and squeezes his shoulder. "Yes, he will." He smiles at her kindness. She looks at his homework. "You're good at studying, aren't you? She always praises you." Some kids near them are giving the little girl a "Why are you even talking to this idiot?" look. The boy shrugs. "I can help you if you want?" The girl responds. "Can you?"

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