Ten poems on Lee Soo Hyuk (my ICB)

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Yesterday, early-early, I opened my computer:

you were there.

A glimpse, merely

But later, all my thoughts were of you.


Men should not be so beautiful

Or old women so lustful.


As a teenager, I loved David Cassidy,

Edward Albert Jr, Martin Sheen, Jan-Michael Vincent

Forty years later, I'm scouring websites

for stories of you

If I had a grand-daughter, I would steer her to you


I want to be a vowel in your mouth: caressed


In the teaser,

You walked across your studio,

eyes moist from welling tears

On the window pane raindrops trailed;

Teaser indeed:

I wished you were not for me.


You make me smile

Jae-rim makes me laugh;

why should i love you so much

you who only make me smile?


A fragile delicate beauty

milk-white skin

some hidden unspoken pain

eyes that become narrow slits when you smile

and I am suddenly lost.


I did not like suits

until you wore them

you've made me shallow.


Surrounded by your friends

all as young as you

all as beautiful

but even there you stand out:

why has my heart chosen you?


My friend asked me what "ICB" meant:

I gave her the literal definition

"Imaginary Celebrity Boyfriend"

The metaphorical meaning

only old women understand.

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