Watching Lee Jun Ki dance

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So then...

if we stand outside of an ugly emotion

and peruse it

without guilt,

without self-recriminations

without moralizing

We can see the need

that birthed it.

So then...

this bitterness, this envy

-- and do not tell me

that suffering makes the soul purer.

It does not!--

this bitterness, this envy

rose and continue to rise

from a pure need.

Again, I will not judge myself.

I only wish to be well.

Today I saw a body move effortlessly

across the dance floor

a beautiful body full of life and joy.

I fought against envy.

Being old, I fought against despair.

Being sickly, I fought against envy and anger.

I sat and watched

and managed to rejoice

in that one's lightness and youth.

I couldn't quite hope.

But I didn't hate either.

And I managed to smile.

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