the hurt

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"Caroline whats going on." She whispers.
"You'll know soon." I say before heading in the bathroom and stripping my clothes off.
They made a slap against the floor from all the blood. My heart stopped when i looked in the mirror. My stomach was slightly purple and blue. I didn't know if they were still alive. I hoped to god they were. Tears streamed down my face. I turned on the water and it ran down my body making the water turn red as it spun into the drain.
I wrap a towel around me and walk out to see a stack of clothes. A pair of leggings, tan combat boots, a white t shirt, and a navy jacket.

 A pair of leggings, tan combat boots, a white t shirt, and a navy jacket

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I looked hot. Rebekah had fashion. I pull the clothes on and pull my hair into a lose bun.

Playlist: (imagine dragons- dream)

My heart speeds up as i walk down the stairs. I can hear all their voices. I turn around the corner and all of them turn to me.
All i can think about is if my babies were alive. Tears fall from my eyes but i don't notice.
"Caroline whats going on." Hayley whispers sincerely. I look at her and anger flows through me but i know how she feels.
I turn to Sophie.
"Sophie i think.... I think they're dead." I cry out hyperventilating. My chest moves up and down as i try to catch my breath.
She has tears in her eyes as she moves to me and puts one hand on my stomach and drops the cover preventing anyone from hearing the heartbeats.
They all look at me like im crazy.

There was nothing. It was quiet not one little thud. Tears fell from my eyes. Sophie held me up. Then the quietest little beat filled the room. Then another. Two heartbeats were thundering in my stomach. My eyes widen along with everyone elses. I dropped to the floor sobbing. That was way to close. I hold my stomach and cry. Everybody stares at me in shock.
I look up to Klaus.
"Im pregnant." I whisper smiling. Relief washes over me. I was gonna be a mommy and i would never again take them for granite.
After 30 minutes of crying i wipe the tears away. Everybody still was there.
I tried to stand but failed. Kol flashed to me and wrapped his arms around me. One behind my knee and the other on my back.
"Shhh. It's okay." He whispers. After that everything went black.

Klaus pov:
I stared at her in disbelief she was pregnant with that mutts babies. She also almost lost those babies. She sobbed on the floor. Sitting on her knees. I wanted to comfort her but i was so angry. Why, why did he get to have kids with her and im having one with a girl i don't even love.
I love Caroline. After awhile she tries to stand but fails. I go to flash to her but kol does and catches her. She falls fast asleep.
"Where should i put her." He whispers.
I look up at him.
"Lay her in my room." I didn't want to say that but i wouldn't hate her for being with Tyler.
He nods and flashes upstairs.
"Klaus-" Sophie starts but i interrupt her.
"I don't want to hear it." I flash away to my favorite bar.
I walk in and camille smiles up at me. God i was so angry.

No one was in there. I lock the door and flash to her. I wrap her in my arms and kiss her passionately. All that ran through my head was Caroline. But i pushed it to the back of my head and continued kissing her. And she kissed me right back.

Carolines pov:

I rub my eyes as i sit up and stretch. Everything from yesterday floods through my head.
"Hey." Sophie says walking into the room.
"Hey." I whisper forcing a smile.
She sits down on the bed and holds my hand.
"So the babies are perfectly fine. But 3 times a week you need to feed from klaus by the vein. Blood bags of his blood won't work. Also i haven't told anyone anything." I nod and this time i really smile at her. I wrap my arms around her.
"Thank you for everything."
"No problem."
I pull back.
"Where's klaus."
She looks down.
"He's not here he left last night and didn't come home." Panic spreads through me.
I flash up and pull on my army jacket.
"Where are you going." She says standing up.
"Im going to find him."
"No he should be fine." I push past her and hurry down the stairs.
"Caroline where are you going." Kol says looking up from his drink.
"Im going to find your brother." Elijah looks up now.
"Mrs. Forbes you should be resting. You went through a lot last night." Now they were being annoying.
"Yeah Caroline you should take it easy." Hayley chimes in coming in from the kitchen with rebekah.
"Im fine. I need to find him because im worried okay. I need to talk to him." I say turning to the door. I open it and collide with a big chest.
"Better be careful love." He whispers.
I step back and he stands there holding Cami's hand. My face turns to sadness. I turn away and begin to walk away. He flashs to me and grabs my upper arm turning me towards him.
"What did you wanna talk about." I look up at him my face bright red.
"Nothing leave me alone."
"Come on love jealous." I turn my neck to the side and spin around flashing to him and punching him in the face. I didn't expect it to do much but it slams him into another wall. Camille yelps. I did like her but i was mad. I turn to her.
"Oh shut up your dating a vampire get used to it." Her face twisted to sadness. I turn back on klaus and he stands up.
"Why are you acting like this." I huff out an angry breath.
"Because with you i came first (poke in chest) because with you i was happy (poke in chest) because every other time im last because im useless (poke in chest) im annoying (poke in chest) im shallow (poke in chest) im always second because its impossible for anyone to love caroline forbes (poke in chest) the broken girl." I push him agianst a wall and back up running my hands through my hair. Tears fall down my face.
"Your carrying Tyler's baby and you expect me to love YOU." He thinks im carrying Tyler's baby. I turn to him my eyes turn bright yellow. Everybody steps back shocked. I flash breaking a leg off a chair and flashing to him putting all my strength behind it and pushing it into his heart. He bites back a scream as he falls to the floor. Elijah pulls me back.
Cami screams.
"He won't die love. It will only hurt like hell." I yell at her. Hayley stands back in shock.
"Im not gonna be the one to help pull that out this time." Elijah lets go of me slowly. I look down at him. He turns pale. I don't want to help him but god it hurt to see him like this. My eyes go back to normal. I walk slowly up to him Elijah goes to grab me until he sees me grab Klaus' face. He looks into my eyes. My hands shake. I look down at the dagger. My heart breaks. I wipe the tears from my face. I wrap my hands around the dagger.
"Im so so sorry." I whisper low enough only he hears. He smiles a little bit.
I pull as hard as i can. The dagger slides out. He groans out in pain.
"Im sorry. Im sorry." I half yell. I stand up and flash away back to my hotel. Tears burn my face.

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