the war has only begon

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Carolines pov

I wake up to his beautiful eyes admiring mine.
"Hello love." He whispers.
I smile. Then i tense noticing im naked.
"What's wrong." He asks panicked.
"Im naked." He laughs at me.
"I brought you some clothes I've been through this before." He hands me a bra, underwear, and a black flowing dress. I pull them on quickly and keep his jacket on too.
"Are you okay." I ask him as we walk through the woods.
"Im fine. Caroline what happened last night can never happen again. I can't let you be in danger again. You mean so much-." He cuts himself off not finishing the sentence. So i talk.
"I won't change again but i can't promise i won't find myself in danger."
He stops and grabs my hand.
"Promise me." I step back and shake my head.
"If it was my choice i would promise you anything you'd ask but i can't. No matter what you say or do i will risk anything to keep you safe. You could of died last night. Who knows if they have the white oak stake." He grabs my hand tightly.
"Would you risk our babies. Would you risk yourself." I look up at him and think really hard. I loved him so much. In a lot of different ways. But i loved these babies a lot too.
"I... I don't know." He looks deeply into my eyes and laughs.
"Your not compelled are you." How did he know.
"What do you mean." I try to fake shock. He laughs.
"It didn't work on you. This whole time you've been faking." I flash forward.
"Faking what."
"Faking how you felt. Faking that you don't have feelings for me."
"I do have feelings for you but it's so confusing." I yell.
"The only reason you say that is because were having kids together. And the only reason you think that is because the babies are confusing you." He yells back.
"If that were true then i wouldn't of slept with you in the first place. And you have no right to mess with my feelings and try to compel me." He stands there fury radiating off of him.

"You don't understand i don't have feelings for YOU. I lost them after we had sex. I came back for you because i wanted to see if you still had feelings for me so i could break things off.  But then you passed out and got pregnant. So im kinda stuck with you now." He growled. My heart beated extremely fast. Tears started streaming down my face.
"Let me rethink that question. I would pick these babies in a heart beat." I cry out shoving past him.
I flash away not wanting to hear it.
I flash into a tree and hold on to it. My stomach growled. When i got back from the hotel i had fed but its been like 3 days or more.
I hear him behind me so i continue to flash back to the mansion.
I walk through the front door and slam the door. Everybody flashes to me.
"Caroline whats wrong." Rebekah asks.
I turn to her my eyes puffy as i cry.
"Caroline you need to calm down." I breath in and out calming my werewolf side.
Next thing i know klaus walks in.
I look right at him. I didn't want to do this but i had to.
"I need your blood." He nods and walks into the kitchen. I walk in there too and luckly no one follows us.
He bits into his wrist and i grab it roughly.
I bite into his wrist and blood fills my mouth. After 1 minute i let go and lick the blood on my lip. I glare at him then walk away.
"Caroline your over reacting." He growls before i walk out.
"Your right." He looks at me confused i agreed with him. Then i add.
"I shouldn't of let myself have feelings for you. Your not worth my time." I growl. I see a cup so i grab it and chuck it at his head. He just barely has time to move. He growls as his eyes turn bright yellow. He flashes and pushes me against a wall. He bears his teeth.
"Please do it. Do it." I yell. He tries to calm down.
"Do it. I want this all over with." I growl. Next thing i know he's thrown off me.
"Nik get your hands off her. She is pregnant for gods sake." Rebekah yells at him.
I shake my head as i run up to my room.

I sat alone in my room for hours crying. I hear a sniffle and i sit up and follow the sound. It leads me to a room at the end of the hallway. It was dark and cold. It was so so cold. I open the door. A small figure was cuddled up in the corner her head in her knees. I could tell she was awake.
"Hey." I call out as i step closer. She looks up at me she looked a little younger than me.
"Who are you." She whispers. She wasn't chained up.
"Im caroline. What about you."
"Why would i tell you. You guys are just gonna kill me." She snaps.
"I give you my word none of us will hurt you." She had a little hope in her eyes.
"Really." She smiles.
"Im Davina."
After awhile of questions she losens up.
"So your only 16." I ask suprised.
"Yeah. I was needed for the ritual when marcel saved me i took all the girls who died powers. Thats why im so powerful."
"I know you arnt gonna agree with me but Marcel doesn't care about you Davina." She tenses up but i continue.
"I know he saved your life but he lied to you the witches arnt after you anymore. If he truly cared about you he would of let you go and live your life. But no he keeps you locked up to use you as power." Tears fall from her eyes.
"He told me that each time the witches were doing magic they were trying to hurt or find me." I shake my head.
"He lied to you. But i promise i will protect you." She smiles as she crys. She jumps up and hugs me. I yelp slightly and start laughing.
"Davina can you give me your word you wont hurt anyone i love."
She looks at me with bright eyes.
"I give you my word. I won't hurt anyone you love." I smile and hug her.

A few days went by and nothing happened. With me anyways. Klaus and Elijah were making deals with Marcel. I had gotten close to Davina. No one new about are friendship. I slowly walk down the hall to Davina's room.
"What are you doing." Kol asks me.
I turn quickly.
"I was going to see Davina." He Shruggs.

I talked to Davina for a few hours until klaus walked in with Elijah. We stopped laughing.
"What are you doing Caroline." He sighs out.
"Im hanging out with Davina problem." I growl.
"Well say goodbye. We made a deal with Marcel. He gets Davina back if we get our city back. Almost all of his men are dead thanks to you and now that weakens him. So he's stepping down." I laugh at him.
"Are you stupid. Your not taking her. You think thats all the men he has. Hes been the leader here for 300 years. He's built an army." I yell standing up.
We begin yelling at each other.
"Enough." Elijah yells. We stop talking and he adds.
"The girl has something to say."
"I had an idea. Marcel has a lot of men. The only way for you to get your city back is to get rid of the king... Im gonna kill Marcel." Klaus looks at her suspiciously.
"How can i trust you." He says protectivly.
"You cant because i don't trust you. But i trust Caroline. She can trust me." She looks at me then adds.
"Do you trust me." I nod.
"Yes..... I do." She smiles.
"Then let's begin." She grins widely.

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