the love of two mikealsons

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Klaus pov

I stare down at the tiny bundle in my arms. She was beautiful she looked just like Caroline. The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen blink at me. Kaitlyn grabs her and starts to weigh her. I look down at Caroline and move her hair back from her face.
"I love you," I whisper so quietly I barely heard it.
I turn and begin to walk out of the room because I couldn't see her die. But the loudest gasp of air fills the room. I spin and her eyes are wide as she stares at our beautiful baby. I run up to her and hold her head up.
"I'm sorry." She whispers.

Carolines pov.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.
"You did nothing okay just relax while they take the other one out. It'll all be over soon." He whispers sweetly.
"I'm so so sorry. I died Klaus I almost lost you and-."
"Shhhh shhh you did nothing." He kisses me passionately against the lips. I prayed it meant something but he probably did it to make me feel better.
"Okay, we got the other one out," Sophie calls out but I hear no cries.
"What's wrong." I cry out.
"She's not breathing Caroline give us a moment."  I try to sit up but he pushes me gently back down.
"It'll be okay."
I shake my head.
"Please save her. Save my baby girl." Tears stream from my eyes. I look at the window and see my family standing there. They all have tears in their eyes. A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. "It was gonna be okay." I continuously reminded myself.
A strong cry fills the room and I smile. They were both strong and healthy beautiful babies.
I begin to get dizzy and fall deep asleep.

Klaus pov

"Do you want to hold them," Sophie asks after 30 minutes of cleaning and doing stuff to them.
"Just put them in their bassinets. I'll wait for Caroline to wake up." She lays both of them down.
"Should I let them in to see them."
I look at the Window.
"No, Caroline should meet them first." She nods and walks out of the room.
I scoot my chair right next to Caroline and her bed. I grab her hand a lean my head down. They changed her blankets and clothes but I couldn't stop thinking of all the blood.

The next day:
Caroline's Pov

I wake up to cries. A smile spreads against my face as I see Klaus sleeping right beside me on a chair. I lift up my shirt and everything's back to normal. Exactly how it was before I got pregnant.

I look to my left and see three bassinets. My beautiful twin girls lay in two and Julian laid in a bassinet beside them. There was a lot of babies in one room.
I sit up and lean over and pick of one of the twins. They looked exactly alike. Except one had Klaus' eyes and my eyes and another had light hazel eyes.
I quickly breastfeed the girls and turn back to Klaus.
He slept peacefully. He deserves it.
I walk out of the room and Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, Clair, Elena, Bonnie, my mom, Matt, Damon, and Stefan lay sprawled out across the chairs. I smile and walk back into the room.
Klaus stands facing the other way with his hand in the bassinet.
"They're beautiful aren't they," I whisper as I shut the door and close the blinds.
He spins and smiles.
"Well you did make them and you're the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on." I blush.
"You're their daddy the great Klaus Mikealson. Who knew you could make something so innocent and pure." I say smiling as I look down at them.
"No that comes from you. You see the fire behind those eyes that comes from both of us."
I grab his hand and wrap mine around it pulling it close to my chest.
"She gets her eyes from my father." I look up at him confused.
"Mikeal." I ask He laughs.
"My real father. I saw him once. He was in the woods and I looked for any resemblance. He had hazel eyes while I had blue..... He had brown hair. We didn't have a single thing in common." I smile and let go of his hand and turn. I wrap my arms around his waist and breath in his scent.
"Promise me you'll be there. For their first words, the first time they walk, their first day of school, their first boyfriend. Promise me." He kisses my head.
"I promise I'll be there for every moment." I snuggle closer to him.

" I snuggle closer to him

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1 hour later

I walk out of the bathroom in a different outfit. For a while me and Klaus just talked but I decided I needed to change so I went to do it.

 For a while me and Klaus just talked but I decided I needed to change so I went to do it

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Klaus looks over at me and smirks.
"What I finally have my body back. I can fit my old clothes again so yes I'm gonna look hot." I say going to Julian to quiet him down. He looks up at me from the bed again and says.
"I didn't say anything. But love you look amazing as always."
I blush and go lay next to him.
He grabs my hand and holds it as we lay side by side.
"We need to name them love." He whispers.
I laugh.
"Well, what were you thinking," I ask nervously. Of course, I already had a million names picked out.
"Come on Caroline I know you already have them picked out."
"Fine for one of them I was thinking Penelope bekah mikealson."
"Ahh, so my last name." I turn on my side and look at him.
"Of course your last name. Now, what do you wanna name the other one." He turns on his side and looks at me.
"How about journey mikealson." I smiled.
"It's beautiful but what about the middle name."
"How about you pick it." I think really hard.
"Davina. Journey Davina Mikealson."
"It's brilliant love." Just then he gets a text. He frowns and sets his phone down.
"What is it."
"Rebekah and everybody wants to come see them. But I keep telling her you want some time alone." I stand up quickly.
"So they're awake," I say excitedly.
He nods and stands.
"Well tell them to come in," I say as I pick one of the girls up and he picks up the other. Instantly they wake up.
"The one with our eyes is Penelope. The one with green eyes is journey." I whisper as a tear falls down my face they were so beautiful.
"Okay love." He goes towards the door and opens it. Rebekah's eyes go wide as she moves her head away from the door where she had been listening.
"You named one after me." She yells out as they all come in the room.
"Middle name yeah." She hugs me from the side.
"This is Penelope bekah mikealson everybody," I call out they all surround me and Klaus.
"And this is Journey Davina Mikealson," Klaus calls out.

We all laugh and smile as each of them hold Journey and Penelope. I smile at Kol and Bonnie as Kol holds Penelope. I was genuinely happy.

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