screw up

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Carolines pov

I lay there with his arms wrapped around my waist and a huge smile on my face.
"That was....."
"Amazing." He whispers finishing my sentence.
"I don't think there's a word for it." I say turning and staring at him.
I lean in to kiss him but my phone rings. I groan as i turn to grab it off the table.
"Caroline. Did you forget about the 3 infants you left at my apartment." Sophie sqeals.
"Im so sorry we'll be right over."
"Good they won't stop crying." She cries out.
I laugh as i hang up.
"Let's go." I say kissing him standing up and both of us go to change.

I walk through the front door with Penelope and journey in their carriers and klaus carries Julians.
"I've missed y'all." I say as we make our way into their room and we sit them in their cribs.
"Love I think journey used her diaper." I look at him and laugh.
"Then change her."
He coughs awkwardly.
"What." I say turning towards him aggravated but laughing.
"I dont know how to." I burst out laughing as i set Julian in his crib and go towards journey and lay her on the changer.
"What do you mean there already 3 months old. Haven't you changed them."
"I am the most powerful creature in this world. Of course i haven't usually you and the other girls do it." I roll my eyes.
"Yeah your the most powerful creature whose 1000 years old and doesn't know how to change a baby."
He tightens his jaw angrily.
"Its fine ill teach you." He smiles at me. After the babies are fed and changed i try to get them to sleep while Klaus went out for business.
I go around the room looking at pictures and see a collage of all of them.

I go around the room looking at pictures and see a collage of all of them

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I go back towards the babies and listen to them cry and cry.
"Once upon a time there was a scared girl who didn't have many friends and was very mean. One day something tragic happened and she changed for the better. She became nicer and more caring. She saw the good in things and people.
Everybody hated the big bad wolf that had come to town. But she saw something good in him she saw the pain and fear in him. While everybody else saw the monster. Finally after so long she let him have her. He was the king and she was his queen. Which ended up with them having two beautiful princesses.
But the girl wasn't sure how she felt she was in love with him. But who knows how long until he got bored of her. All she hoped for was that he would in the end be her night and shining armor." I whisper and smile at their sleeping faces.
Slowly i move out of the room and check my phone it was only 4:00pm so i decided to get the girls together.

"So whats it like being a mom." Elena asks excitedly. There was diffinently some tension between Clair and Katherine. I just didn't know what yet.
"Its amazing. Imagine the one person you love more than anything and times that by ten thats how much i love them. All you want is the best for them. You think about who they'll become. What they'll be like. Its just great but I'm always worried about them. I just love them so much. To add onto that they're so beautiful they look just like Klaus. I just see so much of him in them. I hope they're as strong and brave as he is." They all smile and say.
"Anyways whats going on with y'all. Rebekah what happened when you went to the room with stefan." She blushes and everybody looks towards her.
"We just kissed once and talked. I think i have feelings foe Stefan again but were gonna move slowly." I grin knowing they were perfect for each other.
"Lets talk about the elephant in the room. Clair, kat are you gonna tell us about the sex you had together last night." Rebekah calls out. My eyes pop out of my head and i twist my face at the same time.
"WHAT and eww." Beks smiles at me.
"It was stupid we were drunk." Kat says annoyed but blushing.
"What about you clair." I say.
"It was stupid but good."
"Really i thought you'd say gross." Elena mumbles. We all laugh besides kat.
"Come on cheer up were only teasing." She slowly smiles with us.
"What about you Bonnie. Whats going on with you and Kol." I say with a smile and she shakes her head and laughs.
"KOL. No way would i ever date him. He's like a thousand year old child."
"Come on he's not all that bad." I say trying to convince her.
"Fine he's not the worst guy in the world but i don't know if I'd be able to date him." She admits.
"Now its your turn care hows things with you and klaus." Elena asks.
"Well last night we kind of had amazing sex." They all smile and start to tease me.
"But seriously before last night i hadn't had sex in a little over a year. And when i tell you it was amazing i mean it. But i don't know if he wants to ne together. Yes we have kids and he loves me at least i think he does but who knows when he's gonna get over me and want to go on and live his life." Rebekah stares at me sadly.
"You are his life Caroline. You and those babies mean so much to him." Rebekah says holding my hands.
"You really think so." She smiles.
"I know so. Don't ever doubt yourself."

I sit in the babies room feeding them and playing with them for awhile until i hear voices in Klaus' office. It's weird he didn't tell me he was home.
I slowly open the door and walk over to his office door and listen.
"Niklaus you cant be serious." Elijah says aggravated.
"I am Elijah. If the girls can make hybrids then we can have an army ready to fight at any moment. Think about it if the girls were ever in danger they would have an army of protection." Elijah sighs.
"What would Caroline say."
"She doesn't have to know we'll only take a little blood from them."
"Niklaus they're only babies." Elijah growls.
"Yes and they won't be able to defend themselves and sadly i wont always be there to do it."
"But you have all of us Niklaus we'll be there when you arnt."
"You dont understand Elijah the girls and Julian will be in constant danger all the time."
"I wont allow this Klaus. You cant keep this from Caroline either those are her children too."
"I love those babies. They're my girls my twins. No i don't want to take their blood but its the only way i can make my hybrids." Tears fall from my eyes as i listen. He couldn't forget about his damn hybrids for 5 minutes. He wanted to use are family are children for his "army". And he wanted to keep it from me let him use our kids like that. A bunch of thoughts ran through my head all at once.
What if he just wanted the girls for hybrids.
What if that was his motive this entire time.
What if he didn't really love me.
What if he slept with me only to gain my trust and love.
I made up my decision though i wasn't sticking around to find out.
I ran to the babies room quietly and gathered some of their stuff and hurried to dress them. After 5 minutes i was ready to go. I laid both of them in their double stroller and turned to the door to see Kol and Rebekah staring at me as if i was crazy.
"What are you doing." Tears fall and they wrap me in a hug.
"I cant stay here. Klaus wants to use the babies to make hybrids. I cant let him do that so im leaving ill stay in touch with you guys just please don't tell him." I whisper in their ears. They break the hug and tears sparkle in their eyes.
"Be careful." Rebekah says as she kisses my cheek and kol follows.
"Take care of Julian and tell him all about me. I love you all. It's just i have to put them before anything else." They nod in understanding.
"Also don't let klaus know you knew he will kill you." I hug them one last time and grab the stroller and pick it up flashing them downstairs and to ths french quarter to call a taxi.
I smile down at my girls still crying as we drive to Louis Armstrong airport.
I walk up to the man allowing people on the plane.
"Tickets please." I smile and hand him all three.
"Your gonna love paris." I smile even brighter as i roll the babies onto the plane and the flight attendant helps me put their car seats in.
After 20 minutes the plane starts to move and i stare out the window from first class. When i turn on my phone i have 30 missed calls. I set my phone down and run my hands through my hair.

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