How you met them! Ampora

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The Ampora Family!__________________________

( Your Pov )

  I normally run out of the orphanage when I want to go the sea to swim, but not today! I had to run around town putting up posters of stupid slogans for adoption. I mean it's not bad like "will kill a child if you don't Adopt now", but still I hear these stupid slogans every day, Every hour. Even hearing one slogan I will bury myself in the ground and hope I die fast.

I'm putting these posters everywhere I can. Now that I'm thinking about the Ocean, if I really like the ocean that much wouldn't make much more sense to put some of these posters on the Dock Board? All the Fishermen look at it every day. I don't care if I had to kill innocent sea creatures to be by the sea, even though that's really dark and I don't want too, but it might be my only chance to be by the sea every day.

( 3 person Pov )

You start running for the "Dock Board" when you got there slap one of the Posters right dab in the middle! You feel proud and accomplish. Like nothing will make you feel more proud of and accomplish but this. Then you hear it, Someone moaning in pain. Sounded like a child to you, and you tried to locate the noise but it's stopped. You looked around, now notice that none of the fisherman are here! And all but one little fishing boat is gone. You found yourself Moving to it. Like someone was pushing you to it. Like the Universe wants You to be in there, or you wouldn't have purpose in life! Once you were in there it looks like a standard little fishing boat, It even smells like fish.

Looking around the little fishing boat, you finally noticed it had one of those big freezers, probably to freeze a large quantity of fish? Why is it the color violet kind of like ... maybe your tripping out? Maybe? Like it looks like someone spills Violet food coloring but thicker, like food gel coloring... Or like thick as blood? You kind of don't want to open it, but you feel like you need to.

You try to remember the famous saying about the cat dying. But you're completely blank right now. What was it!? What was it?! Maybe the cat was named curiosity maybe it was named killed? Whatever It is called probably won't stop you from opening this freezer. Nor stop you from shitting yourself from what's inside.

So you quickly open the stupid freezer bracing yourself to see what's inside. You screamed, then panicked. It was a Body! In your Panic state you went to grab the First Aid Kit and pliers, you grabbed whatever could help this person! You looked at this body again to make sure you weren't seeing things and if it was still alive. In closer inspection you can see this Body was wheezing in air, shakily, had horns, gray skin, have a few fishhooks Pierce their body, had a Violet streak goes through their hair. It reminded you of a mermaid. Now you remember that famous saying "curiosity killed the cat." It has another part of it... Oh! It was "but satisfaction brought it back."! You're nether feel satisfied or safe.

You finally pulled this poor little fishy guy out of the freezer and holy moly he was freezing cold! Or he was naturally cold? No, that can be it! Don't be stupid! You had a mission now get this guy far away from here as possible. He was actually a bit taller than you but he was lighter than you.. This poor kid! you put both the first aid and the pliers in your pocket and carry this poor mermaid horned kid.

You were really careful not to draw attention to yourself but that wasn't hard because the fisherman aren't here to see you, the only problem will be when you hit town. ( First name) Will never be able to get in the orphanage that's down smack in middle of town of heavy traffic. The next best idea was to find an abandon area where no one will see you or this Mermaid? Horned-Mermaid? Either way you're determined to find it.

~~ half an hour later~~

(This is still in 3 person Pov)

Your legs were literally going to give up on you if you didn't find a place soon. Your right leg gave up, but you force that leg to keep on moving.

No one will be able to get over here without climbing over unstable rocks or the scary looking Forest! Well it's not much of a forest, woods? Either way it looked like it came from a horror movie. This guy warmed up a bit, but he's still cold. Why was he holding on to you so tight, which was good you didn't drop him even if you tried. You sat him down on the cleanest part of the ground. It seems He wouldn't let go of you.

You might have a problem here, or it's a really big problem. If he isn't letting you go then you can't help heal his injuries and you really didn't want cause this poor Horned-Mermaid more injuries.

Oh! You see his eyes moving he must be waking up!

( Your Pov )

I see his eyes open up! That's good, like really good! It seems like he let go of me too. Why is he looking at me like Sister Lara does when i get in trouble? Then it hit me, well he punched my face; well cheek, and runs away. Rubbing my Cheeks, then look for the Horned-Mermaid..

He didn't get far.....

He's yelling, not at me but for his Dad and Cro; who can be assumed to his brother. This broke my heart hearing this. Slowly walks to him with my hands up, with a calming voice I told him " Hey buddy, I wouldn't hurt you.".

He looked at me with a look only Sister Lara can give me, 'I don't believe you' and what he said next made me know how much he didn't like people who live on land "You Landdwwellers Are filthy Liars!"

Well that hurt, a lot of pain in my heart and soul; who are I'm kidding I don't care what people or this horn-mermaid call me. I'm going to help this guy whether or not he wants it! I tackled him.

~~~a long time had Greatly past~~~

( 3pov)

You had no clue he was going to be that difficult, but you got him all clean and bandage. Man you lost track of time the moon is out!

( Your Pov )

"Hey, mermaid you possibly don't care, but I think I'll go now. "

I was getting up to leave, but he grab my hand. Is he blushing Violet color? Did he try to hide it from me? Oh right.. I found him in underwear.

"I knoww I'vve been a reely big Jerk here..." Does he want to say more?

"and punchin you in the face wwasn't the nicest thing to d-". I interrupt him

"Hey Buddy it's okay! I would punch someone who was holding me like a baby after being in a Freezer for who knows how long! " I Smile to show him that we are Okay. I see him smile a bit.

" My name is (Y/N) yours?"

" it's Eridan"

"Nice to meet you Eridan"

Eridan hasn't let go of my hand and I'm sure he won't let go anytime soon. I need to go back to the orphanage or I can't get in the building. You cannot bring Eridan with you without The Sisters seeing him. Two things will happen Sister Eger will try to fight him and Sister Kaka will notice Eridan isn't human-looking and call a doctor then Buddy boy will be taken. Oh, Gog I forgot about Sister Lara... I don't want to know what she does; to me or Eridan.

Something says I won't be able to go back to the orphanage for a long time.

"Hey Buddy, want me to help you find your family?"

I can see he will be alone without me and I can not make it back to the orphanage in time so.

" Yes, land- (Y\N)"

I feel like this guy might have a huge ego that I will accidentally feed.

Feed... Feed... oh.. Oh.. OH! Is Eridan hungry? Why didn't I ask him if he is!?

"Hey, Buddy are you hungry? I have.." I dig in my pocket for any food item. You hold out your favorite candy bar a/an ( Fav, Candy)

You don't know if he will like this but didn't stop you from putting in front of his face.

He took it, and he ate it so fast you have new clue if he consumed the rapper two.

This will haunt your Dreams rest of your life. Waking up in cold sweats, thinking about the rapper, just the Rapper.

Now ignoring the rapper thing. You should help this mermaid, Buddy of yours, out until he finds his family. I mean that can't be too hard right?

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