8. Nightmares

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(That night after finding Elsa all beaten up and taking her to the hospital)

I laid in my bed, eyes wide open, staring at the drawings I had drawn all over my ceilings and walls. Why would Toothiana do that to Elsa? I couldn’t shake it out of my head, no matter how many drawings I drew to get the topic off my mind I couldn’t. Me and Elsa aren’t really close anymore, just like everyone else in our family, but I still care so much about her. When we were really little we all were best friends, before Elsa started to confine herself in her room. Me, Anna, and Elsa would play dolls inside and play the game ‘Castle’ where one person would pretend to be the queen, one the king, and the last person the princess. Usually Elsa was the queen, Anna was the king, and I was the princess, which I thought was pretty fair because I loved being the princess-

Wait getting off topic!

Anyways…we all were super close and one day we all went outside to play in the snow because a blizzard had hit, and we were all bundled up in scarfs and puffy jackets and once we were out there Elsa complained about being too hot. She took off her scarf and hung it on a low hanging tree branch and we started to play in the snow, we built snowmen and had a snowball fight but then Elsa complained again by how she felt too hot. So she took off her puffy jacket and hung it on the branch. Eventually all she had left on was a pair of light blue pajama shorts and a light blue tank top to match, and NEVER had she once complained about the freezing cold temperatures, she was able to pick up the snow with her bare hands and it wouldn’t even melt in her hands.

I think this has something to do with her hiding herself away.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I have a hunch that it is. I’ve always asked my mom growing up why I couldn’t see Elsa anymore, and she always made up same excuse of ‘Because Uncle Agdar (Anna and Elsa’s father) said she’s not in good health’ but I guess she wasn’t in good health for many years and I slowly stopped asking my mother.

Anyways the reason I’m bringing this up is because I want to help Elsa; when I saw her lying on the hallway floor in that condition, something broke inside me. Even though she’s ignored me all these years and refuses to let me be her friend I can’t stand to see her like that, yes I hate her for pushing me away, yes I feel rejected. But I still consider her as a sister to me and I’m pretty darn sure Anna feels the same way.

I’m gonna help her survive high school, and she won’t have to survive it alone.

I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep, but my energy was out of control, I needed some juice. I threw my covers off me and happily bounced off my bed; I yanked my iPhone off its charger and bounded down the stairs. I got to the kitchen and pulled both the fridge doors wide open, the bright light of the fridge lit up the kitchen and shined into the hallway a bit. I snatched the kiwi-mango juice out of the cold fridge and didn’t even bother to get a cup. I unscrewed the lid and chugged the juice from its container, I emptied most of the bottle and stuck it back in the fridge. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and headed back upstairs.

I laid in my bed for another half hour before I finally drifted to sleep.

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