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«pledis central mall»

there were six people by the foodcourt inside the central mall, they are drinking milktea while waiting for the other five to arrive. "did those two get caught again by mingyu?" jeonghan asked the others; seungcheol, jisoo, hansol, seungkwan and dino, almost shouting. "i think they did? you know those two." seungkwan tells the older and takes a sip of his milktea, ofcourse in a short while the '97 liners are arguing again, especially the oldest and youngest of the three. seokmin and minghao argue whether it's playfully or not, and even out of the dumbest reasons. "well what about the three '96 liners? wonwoo hyung might've caught up with what we're doing." hansol asks about wonwoo's roommates, if they're lucky they already succeeded in tricking wonwoo. the other problem is that wonwoo isn't that stupid, he could've caught up with the plan that were about him and mingyu. "wonwoo isn't that dumb hyung, but sometimes he really can be dumb. no offense to him." chan tells them taking a bite of his takoyaki, it was kind of true though. wonwoo is smart, logically and academically but sometimes he really could be a lil dumb at times. seungcheol sighs and checks his watch "they should be here by now! where are they?!" he asks out loudly as jeonghan gives him a smack on his head (for being loud and almost make people stare at them), and lets him take a sip from his milktea as an apology. chan hears a ding from his phone as he grabs it from the table and turns it on,

gc name: 🐶 x 🦊



[vboo: just shut up and drIVE JUNHUI]

[sunny mentos: mE AND HAO ARE ALREADY HERE]
[sunny mentos: but,,, problem,,, which food court are we meeting?]

chan slaps his forehead resulting to a facepalm making his hyungs look at him, "what happened?" jisoo asks the youngest as chan looked back at his phone then sighed. "the '96 hyungs are stuck in traffic apparently, and the '97 hyungs are already here but they don't know which food court to go in." chan simply tells them as seungcheol also facepalm at their friends, jeonghan rolls his eyes at jis boyfriend "just tell them we're at the one near 'aju nice sights'." jisoo instructs his dongsaeng making chan nod.

[dinnosaur: hyungs we're at the one near aju nice sight!]

[sunny mentos: oH]
[sunny mentos: tHANKS CHAN]

meanwhile, in the center of the mall, seokmin and minghao were trying to find their way to the food court. "seok, do you even remember where 'aju nice sights' is?" minghao asks the older one, seokmin looks at him with a confused look "maybe?" he tells minghao uncertainly as he gives seokmin a glare. minghao sighs as he just grabs the older's wrist and walked to the left side of the mall, "minghao, you jerk! if you know the place why didn't you-" seokmin was caught off with minghao's smirk and clicked his tongue. "you're fun to meddle with seok, sorry not sorry!" minghao tells seokmin making the male groan and lets minghao drag him to the said food court. the two start to look around as seokmin catches his boyfriend waving at them, he smacks minghao's shoulder lightly (resulting to minghao smacking seokmin's shoulder harder) seokmin rubbed his shoulder and glared at minghao as they both walk to the table. "what took you guys so long?" seungcheol asks them as they arrived and sit down on the other vacant chairs, "seokmin is a fool." "minghao is a jerk." the two said at the same time as the others just shrugged at their antics. the newcomers ordered some food while waiting for their other friends, when seungcheol was about to complain again they heard a cheerful greeting from afar "hi guys!" soonyoung greets out loudly with jihoon trailing behind him with a whipped-looking face plastered on his face, the maknaes snickered as jihoon glares at them for a short while to make them stop. "where's jun?" jisoo asks the two who takes their seat and eat some of the left overs that were for them, "he went to get wonwoo's new glasses." jihoon tells them as later on jun arrives with a paper bag and immediately pecks his boyfriend's cheek. everyone is now present while drinking or either stuffing food in their mouths while seungcheol just sighed and snapped his fingers to get their attention, when everyone looked at him (still sipping and eating) seungcheol brings out his phone and opens up an app.

"now, does anyone have any suggestions for operation dog plus fox?"

and thats when everyone started smirking and almost shout out their ideas, with everyone in the foodcourt staring at them weirdly.

on the otherhand:

mingyu is cooking some lunch while talking to minghao's kermit doll placed on the counter, as he made the doll sit down on his math textbook for later ("mit, its for studying don't give me that look.")

and wonwoo is now watching inuyasha while eating mcdonald's take out and in his black cat onesie, a different one from what he wore awhile ago ("it's a special onesie." wonwoo tells soonyoung once). he bites down on his french fry as he continues binge-watching.



i'm tErribly sorry for the long pause and for the slow update ;(
school is terrible and its making me have writer's block
our exams are done tho,,, yay
our foundation day is near so its free time for us,,,

i'll try updating when im at school slash free time !!
also,,, my cracktextfic is also on its way!!
enjoi the preview of my haohoon fic!!

love ü all !!


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