Open Door

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The heat is exhausting in this shithole those fuckers have chosen to have their headquarters but I've been stalking prey on deserts on the other side of the world under the scorching sun for days at a time. This is a walk in the park. I can be fucking patient and meticulous. Problem is that Rage is anything but.

I lift my eyes from my rifle's scope and glance at my brother. He too is on his stomach under the sorry as fuck tree we have found but he is itching to spill blood. He growls, he swears, he messes with his hair and mutters shit constantly.

It took a solid hour for us to leave Berkeley as Rage was swinging violently between moods. He didn't want to leave Iris but when Runner offered to take her to the home he and Magda have, he almost broke his fucking neck. Only when Bjorn and Runner promised to keep a constant eye on Iris did he grab her in a smothering embrace, kissed her, rode his bike and followed the SUV I was riding in.

We've come straight in Austin with one stop to get some shut-eye. Truth is neither of us slept. I was up, drenched in agitation and I could hear Rage pacing constantly next door and talk to Iris over the phone every fucking hour.

And then we hunted. Stig did his thing but I did mine. Nothing like boots on the ground and a fucking psycho by your side to have some people talking. We walked together in the shitty parts of town, amongst pimps and though some were reluctant to talk at first, Rage made sure tongues were loosened. Along with limbs.

We followed a bloody, dark trail of rumors of some sick fuckers accommodating the urges of other sick fuckers. And though it was risky, I got the intel I needed faster than Stig. We got here yesterday and staked the place down.

"You good, brother?" I ask Rage for the millionth time since this all started.

"I want to go in. I want to kill, kill, kill."

"You will, brother," I promise him and I am sure he will get his chance.

So far, no movement was seen from the compound but I am not risking it. I have watched a place for days at a time back in the war zone before my target surfaced. Rage growls again and reveals the knives as if they are his comforter.

"Patience, Rage. For Tamie's sake," I say and resume my position.

"Kill, blood, my kills. I'm the Hellhound now," he mutters. "Iris is not here, Iris is safe. I can be the Hellhound."

I tense. The man is madly in love with Iris. Emphasis on "madly". He is in constant fear that the beast inside will surface and hurt his woman. I never does. Iris is his magic spell. But like he said, Iris is not here. And I am trapped with the Hellhound under this maddening heat. Well, fuck.

"Yes, brother. When we see our enemies, their deaths are yours," I promise.


I shiver at the thought of seeing the Hellhound at work but if those fuckers keep women in there to torture them so some sick fucks can jerk off, they deserve what Rage has in store for them.

And right at this moment, as if the gods of the Underworld heard Rage's prayer and rejoiced, the one door of the compound opens. I say nothing, just readjust my scope. My blood chills. Three big fuckers walk out. And the two of them carry a body. The body of a woman, small and frail. By the loose limbs and the discarding way they carry it, I know she is dead.

"Fuck!" I watch closely, dreading to see the woman's face.

Her long hair falls on her face. Long, dark hair. Are we too fucking late? The notion that I am late once more tightens my stomach and I feel like I am going to throw up. Focus, focus, focus!

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