Could Tell

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They were all very excited to be a part of this series. It was based off of something that they either saw on TV or read the manga of when they were younger. It was such a unique personality and all of the cast and the crew were so nice.

They knew that the bonds they have developed with the people here were more akin to family then friends, bonds to last a lifetime.

The F4 was truly the F5, a group of highly intelligent, talented men with the addition of the wonderful Shen Yue.

They could feel that what they were helping to bring to life was something unique.

All of them knew that this drama was bringing to life something else unique, exciting, with the potential to last a lifetime.

The relationship between Wang He Di and Shen Yue. Two people who brightened the set the moment they walked in every day (and who were incredibly funny, genuine people and talented actors).

Nobody knew how it happened but they transitioned from being awkwardly polite with each other to incredibly playful.

They would always play fight, laughing the entire time, teasing one another.

They gravitated towards one another and thrived off of physical contact with each other, always touching or within distance of one another. They could be found with her arms around him from behind as he casually rehearsed his lines, their fingers and pinky fingers entwined. Physical contact was second nature to them, often doing it without even realizing it.

All of the cast and crew could tell how comfortable they were with one another and how each lit up when the other was around. Their eyes would instantly search for each other any time they were close.

They were also incredibly sweet with each other with all of the teasing and the laughing. The cast that had families could especially tell that this was the start of something special. They would always be concerned and attentive with each other and when Didi injured his finger, YueYue was right there, holding his other hand.

The rest of F3 had stolen Didi's phone once and knew that she was at the top of his contact list and that they had a chat just between the two of them on WeChat.

This information all of the cast and crew kept to themselves. They had become a family on the set of the Meteor Garden and would never do anything to jeopardize each other's happiness. So if they happened to catch the pair sharing a kiss or sleeping all curled up against one another, or if they were asked about Shen Yue and Wang He Di's relationship by the press, they smiled and gave half-truths, white lies or diverted the topic because they would do all they could to preserve the bubble the loved up pair created for themselves. Also, they were the only ones allowed to tease Didi and YueYue, they reserved the rights a long time ago.

The bonds created between everybody in Meteor Garden were simply too strong to ever be broken.

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