Scenic and Stunning Surprises

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The air was crisp and the landscape was stunning as she stepped out of the car.

She was finally here, in Arxan.

Her eyes took in the stunning fall colors of the trees around her as her lungs breathed in the fresh air.

She was excited to be here, to spend the next couple of days in this beautiful setting.

She itched to get her tablet out and draw what her eyes were seeing but she would do that later.

Because she had arrived early in Mongolia for a very specific reason.

She was a woman on a mission- a cheer-your-boyfriend-up mission.

He Di had been filming in Mongolia for a while now.

They communicated as much as possible with their schedules but the wifi was weak near the filming location so their video calls would get unexpectedly cut off every so often and their texts wouldn't go through immediately.

He had fallen asleep while on the phone with her a couple of times now because he was so exhausted at the end of the day.

Knowing that this was different then his usual energetic personality coupled with the knowledge that both of them didn't like being apart from one another for long periods of time, she was worried about him and missed him immensely.

So she had arrived a couple days early to surprise him and begin operation cheer-up-boyfriend.

She waved to the various crew and cast that were there already. They were all in on this little surprise because she needed to have people know that she was coming early and to keep it a secret.

She knocked on his door and took a deep breath.

When the door opened, she swore she would never forget the look of amazement and surprise on her boyfriend's face.

"YueYue" she heard him breathe.

"Surprise my love" she replied with a wave.

Within seconds he had reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into him tightly, her arms going around his waist, one of his hands resting on her back and the other in her hair.

"Do you know how much I missed you?" He whispered into her ear.

"I missed you more" She said, squeezing him tighter, running her hands soothingly on his back, "I'm so proud of you. So proud. You did good."

He pulled back and smiled.

"You're proud of me?" He said lightly, "Come here!"

Yue suddenly yelped with a smile as he leaned down and lifted her up, his arms supporting her butt as she looked down at him.


"You're proud of me? You're proud of me?" He said, bouncing her gently.

"I'm very proud of you." She said smiling down at him.

"That means the world to me. Come here" He said beaming at her.

She leaned down and cupped his face with both of her hands as she gave him a sweet kiss, making a mwah sound as she pulled away, unable to keep the huge smile off her face.

Her fingers wound their way under Didi's hat, taking it off and throwing it somewhere behind him, before threading her fingers in his hair and around the back of his neck as she connected her lips to his again as he tilted his head back.

The feeling of his lips on hers sent a happy feeling all throughout her body and she lightly laughed, never detaching his lips from hers. He made a pleased sound as he lightly swayed them back and forth. They kissed again, deeper this time, and both of them smiled into their kiss before she slowly drew away, his lips chasing hers.

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