Entertaining Game Night Reunions

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Kuan stepped out of the kitchen with yet another plate of food as he returned to the living room with a grin on his face.

It was great to be reunited with the gang. They were the F5 again (him, XiZe, Jia Qi, DiDi and YueYue) - they would have been the F6 but KangKang wasn't able to make it. They were all super busy but tried to hang out at least once a month. They were finally able to make this happen this month as DiDi and YueYue returned from Mongolia a couple of nights ago. 

The location of the hang out always rotated. This time it was at XiZe's apartment because he currently had the most food in his fridge and YueYue apartment was close by, which was convenient for her because she had an early-ish call time tomorrow with her manager.

They did a variety of things whenever they would hang out- hot pot, karaoke, movie night, charades, etcetera. However, the favorite option (and the most entertaining option in Kuan's opinion) was game night.

Each of their respective apartments had collected a fair amount of games in the past few months in preparation for game night so no matter where they hung out, there was a variety. But it was more then the games that were hilarious, it was the atmosphere. 

Because what do you get when you put some of the most competitive and/or wittiest people in a room together and attempt to play a game? 

Total outright warfare of the ultimate level. 

Some of the quips thrown would leave him and Jia Qi (because they were arguably the more chilled out of the bunch) rolling around on the floor, clutching their sides in laughter. 

It was better then any variety TV show that Kuan had ever watched. 

This entertainment was completely free

They had made dinner earlier that day from whatever was in the fridge, which Didi had turned into something delicious (who knew that their beloved pineapple head would have such a talent for cooking?). 

He had escaped into the kitchen for more food after they had finished playing what was probably the longest game of War ever (Jia Qi had won to everyone's surprise) and they had begun to set up Journey through China. 

Journey through China. This board game was a favorite among the six of them, so much so that it was one of the few games that they each had at their apartment. 

How it worked was simple. 

The board was a simplified map of China with only the bigger cities (along with a couple of smaller ones) marked on the board, divided into four colors (representing the four cardinal directions), with intersecting roads connecting them. 

Each person got a game piece and eight cities that they had to visit. These city cards were laid out for everyone to see. They also got four special ability cards that were kept a secret from the other members (they included the ability to transport yourself to someone else's location, transport them to your  location, the ability to fly to a destination of your choice (his personal favorite) and finally the ability to "gift" someone an extra city from one of the four city decks).  

There was also a flag piece that was placed at the city that everyone had to end their journey at. The goal of the game was to visit all of your cities, using the roads, and be the first to end up at the final city with no more city cards or special cards remaining. The roll of the dice determined how many "steps" you could take during your turn and if you rolled a six, you got to pick a card off the special card deck.

This game was not only an opportunity to learn more about Chinese culture, because each of the city cards provided some information about the city, and Chinese geography (which actually came in handy during all of his promotional trips with different brands and their press tours for Meteor Garden because he would have had no idea what some of the cities were or where they were if not for this game), it was Shen Yue's favorite game. Which meant that she got super competitive and focused. 

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