YueYue-Sense and a Good Day

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He was just leaving his charity rehearsal when he got a text. 

It was from Yue's manager. 

"Can you swing by the event? It hasn't started yet and Yue needs you." 

The event was a stage performance that was Xiao Wen's choreographical debut. Yue had supported her every step of the way and had been determined to attend the event today. However, she had been feeling under the weather for the past few days and everyone was worried she would overwork herself. Even Xiao Wen had told her that it was fine if she wasn't there, because Yue's wellbeing came first, but his loyal girlfriend was determined to be right by her best friend's side during this important moment. 

He had wanted to attend but at the last minute there was a scheduling conflict and so he was double booked. Yue kissed him on the cheek before he left three hours ago saying that she would represent the both of them. By some miracle from the heavens, both the charity rehearsal ended early and Xiao Wen's musical was starting late so he was now able to make it and was planning to surprise her before receiving the text from her manager. 

The words Yue needs you worried him because of her recent health, and it was just then that his phone buzzed. He looked at the notification and it all made sense. He had downloaded a period tracking app awhile ago, and while Yue thought it was sweet and slightly over the top, it had come in handy for looking after her, because she had a tendency to eat less while she was on her period since everything made her gag, and for doctor visits. The ding informed him that her period would be starting again today, which explained how she was feeling lousy this week leading up to it. 

He grabbed his keys and drove off to the event, making one single detour - the pharmacy. 

He picked up a basket once there because he was a man on a mission. 

The pharmacy on a weekday was mostly filled with old women in their 60s, yet his presence still garnered looks. Perhaps it was because he towered over all of them by a good 50 cm or his outfit or the fact that he was in the women's section of the pharmacy. 

He didn't care nor would he care if somehow photos of his jaunt in the pharmacy were leaked on the internet because he and Yue had been dating for a while and made it public knowledge that they were taken as well as requested for some privacy and their combined fans (who combined once they quickly figured out that their relationship was not going to be a short term relationship but a long one since they had no intention of breaking up) were kind enough to give them that. Going to the pharmacy in his mind only solidified that he was intent on taking care of his girlfriend (any captions saying otherwise he knew neither their managers nor Yue would believe because they made a pact to not let third-party opinions or "facts" affect their relationship, and their managers knew that he was incredibly loyal and devoted to his girlfriend and vice versa and  supported their relationship). 

He grabbed some pain relief cream, heat packs, fluffy socks, massage oil, cooling sticks, tiger balm, and medication before moving into their small food section. He dropped some honey and some lemon tea into the basket along with the crackers she liked to snack on and sorbet (she liked sorbet better then ice cream and got him addicted to it as well).

Finally, he made it into the most crucial aisle of the pharmacy and hands down the most confusing. That is simply because the sheer amount of choices. He was positive that every single type of feminine product on the planet was in this aisle. Why on earth were there so many brands? There weren't this many choices for toothpaste ! He couldn't remember for the life of him what brand of pad she used but he knew the color. He prayed to the heavens that color was a universal form of measurement across brands and grabbed as many purple and orange ones as he could. 

TimelessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz