Morning Motivations

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He was in the kitchen preparing some tea when she came stumbling in.

They had landed in Chengdu the previous morning and although the first day was pretty chill with exploring the area just around their house and playing card games after dinner as a family, the exhaustion that came with such an early morning flight kicked in, and so both were still a little bleary eyed that morning.

Also, his girlfriend was the furthest thing from a morning person he'd ever met, being named after the moon might have been part of the reason for that. 

"Good Morning!" He told her, trying to keep his voice down because the rest of his family was still asleep.

She didn't even turn her eyes towards him as she mumbled unintelligibly into the counter.

He was well prepared for this and slid some of the honey lemon tea he just made right in front of her.

Her hands came out from inside of his hoodie (that she stole from his suitcase again to sleep with, telling him that she was so cold (which was probably true considering that during the winter she had the body temperature of a slightly melted icicle) but he couldn't even bring himself to get angry considering she looked so freaking cute in it) to wrap around the cup of tea. She inhaled a couple of times before bringing her head up to look at him,

"Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake. Instead of in bed, under warm covers, all cozy and sleeeppppppiiinnnnggg. " She said with a tired sigh.

"Babe, you know why you're up early today. You have the Kiehl's event at Chengdu Panda Base."

"Kiehl's Schmiel's"

He went around the table and grabbed her arms gently, pulling her right in front of him.

He held both of her hands in his, "Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? What's wrong?"

She looked up at him with a sigh, "I'm just tired. It's too early and I don't know how I can fake being perky at the event today."

He replied, "The day's not over yet. We can still have a great day, I promise."

He cupped her face in his hands and went in for a kiss. She ducked out of his grasp, blushing and saying "morning breath!". He drew her back into his arms whispering, "I don't care. I am missing my morning kiss." With those words, he could feel her melt in his arms as he connected their lips. He softly kissed her lips before tracing her bottom lip with his tongue, slipping his tongue in when she opened her mouth. He would never get tired of kissing her, each kiss never failing to send a euphoric zap through his body. 

He pulled back and she leaned up to rub her nose against his, "Mmmm... Good Morning".

"Still feeling down about today?"

She shook her head, "Not really... but..." and she leaned her head against his chest, forehead pressed to his long night shirt, "You're so warmmm and such a nice pillow that I don't really want to leave the house today." 

He laughed slightly while patting her hair. 

"How about a deal? You stay awake and I will treat you to hotpot after this and give you a foot massage tonight."

She tilted her head up from his chest and pretended to contemplate it before grinning, "I think I can do that."

He grinned back at her, "Good." 

She leaned up on her tiptoes and gave him a brief peck on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her more tightly as she buried her face in his neck, the sensation of her warm breath on his throat sending warm shivers through his spine. 

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